Another good day at the Foundation for Thanney and Johnny: Johnny did a magnificent job yesterday putting the metal framing into place so that the plasterboard can be fixed to the ceiling, having cut every piece – accurately! – before fixing them. For someone who’s work this ISN’T, he did an amazing job, and saved us 650,000 pesos – the equivalent of 4 days work for a Colombian workman. A lot got done again yesterday, and most of the ‘small’ jobs left to do will be done by Monday…. Still the need to see the Lord provide a few thousand pounds (4-5), we’re praying it comes in, very soon, so that everything can be completed for the celebration that WILL be the handover in 2 weeks’ time…
For reasons we don’t know, last night’s meeting had to be cancelled as Wilmar couldn’t get hold of the Pastor who’d invited us: it was to have been the first time at his church, so that was sad not to have that opportunity.
Lots of other invitations/bookings have come in since we got here, and we’re almost at ‘capacity’ now on the schedule – though with a team of 5 we can split up if needs be. Dennis, Cathy, and I have had some lovely opportunities to be with people to encourage them, pray for them – in their shops, in taxis, you name it…. my great friend Fernando, who owns a terrific watch shop, and all being well, he’s coming to church tomorrow morning, maybe – hopefully – with his daughters and son. Great church in the morning, expecting great things!