An incredible 3 weeks, a great team – Dennis, Cathy, Thanney, Johnny, Simon, y yo… so much achieved, practically and spiritually – the construction finished, hundreds of healings, salvation, miracles, blessing…
For me, a little bitter-sweet, as, once again, another piece of my heart is left here in Cali: if home is where your heart is, then I’m going back to Northern Ireland and leaving home behind! I must say, though, that I look forward to my recliner and football on TV! Cali truly has bitten big ‘chunks’ out of me over 21 years and almost 90 visits – I think I even saw my hat laying in an apartment near Wilmar, so that must be near my home! Lol!
We’re ‘killing time’ now waiting to go to the airport for the long-haul home: in an hour, we’ll be collected, in 4 hours we’ll be on our way to (oh joy again!) a good few hours in Bogota airport. Thankfully, it’s a new airport – 10 years ago, 4-5 hours there was far more of a nightmare option than it is today! London Tuesday afternoon around 2.30 pm… then on to Belfast, and home around 9.30 pm UK time. Luggage loaded with Juan Valdez Coffee, Cafe Quindio, and Oma Coffee, so plenty of caffeine for weeks to come to remember this trip by.
To all of my little team – a massive ‘thank you’ for all that you have done here, and all that you have meant to the folk here. You’re all a blessing to me, I’m only sorry that I slow you down when you’re rushing for the steaks at Lenos & Carbon, the old knees not quite as quick as they once were! Dennis and Cathy – you were a blessing way beyond anything you think you might have achieved here. Such a delight to have you BOTH with me…. ANY TIME. Thanney – what can I say? The vision, the dream, the goal fulfilled: you did it, mate! AND you got your miracles of healing too…. Johnny – in less than 3 months we’ve gone from ‘hello’ through a 3 hour brekkie at the Pit Stop to miracles – in your own body, the blessing of being part of the ‘new ‘ foundation, to miracles in the bodies of many other people. Oh, yes, and a really great friendship, too, now WAY beyond hello…. Simon – 6th time in 7 years, your preaching is such blessing, YOU are such a blessing, and your humour very nearly rivalled that of Dennis’s humour!
And Jesus – you’ve been here all the way with us, blessing us with your power to bless others, blessing us with strength, doing what only you can do, and keeping us safe in the ‘wonderful’ Cali traffic… thank you, Jesus. Where on earth would I be without you?