Tonight, Cathy and Dennis headed about an hour north of Cali – so about 90-120 minutes from where we live, for Cathy to do a session for Alex and Diana Betancurt’s church. After her night in the bathroom, and much of the day sleeping, to add to the stress, poor Wilmar’s car had a major problem – the radiator was damaged, so of course, that had to be repaired which meant leaving here about an hour and a half late.
Despite the stresses, Cathy was excellent – if anything better than last night – and there was a lovely response from a lovely church. D & C really liked and related to the Betacurts, which I’m delighted about, as I love it when people I bring here love the people I love. It’s been a while since I saw them – maybe March next year, Alex?
As soon as Cathy stood up to speak, her stomach settled, which sounds like a God thin to me (!) and she changed the format slightly to account for the late start, but they were not back here until gone 10 p.m. – a lot of tears as she talked about the Father Heart of God.
Tomorrow really kicks in a hectic programme of churches, foundation, drug rehabs, visits to other ministries like Ana Beiba (hopefully for Dennis & Cathy) ad dear Ana Bustos… visits to many people for friendship, prayer, ministry, healing, laughter….Ulster Fry breakfast Saturday morning, doctor, dentist, butcher, baker, candlestick maker, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all….