A few weeks ago, I received a friend request on FB from someone I once knew. He was ‘new’ on FB, and to be honest, a very ‘unlikely’ Facebook person. Last time we ‘communicated’ (11 years ago) he was quite abusive and angry even though he’s what I’d call a ‘flaky charismatic Christian’. I was desperately hurt as we’d been close, and quite angry if I’m honest, though – I hope – I managed to keep my cool, composure, and did everything I could to ‘save’ the relationship. In that respect, it was a failure, sadly.I responded positively to the recent friend request as I felt it was an opportunity to reconcile, and messaged him and his wife with a ‘chatty’ message saying it was good to be in touch again and hoped that God was blessing them. that it would be good to hear their news.
Seeing his profile and photos actually opened up a whole pile of extremely painful emotional information for me concerning my (totally) dysfunctional family. One piece of information opened up another that became increasingly devastating and so it went on.
After 3 weeks or so I’d had no reply to my message, so I went back to his timeline/profile, and his account was closed. Seems he’d opened it and ‘befriended’ me to cause hurt and pain. It’s still closed. For some days – a couple of weeks – I was wrecked, hurt, and so blown away that anyone would open a profile here simply to hurt another ‘fellow Christian'(?) brother.
But some time back God (through another friend) spoke to me about not taking offence, more importantly not holding on to offence, as it destroys the person who holds on to it. With God’s help there’s nothing we can’t ‘walk past’ and move on, and I’m so grateful that Jesus gave us the freedom to forgive – his wonderful, famous words ‘Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they do’ was a greater level of forgiveness for something we’ll never experience.
Don’t hold on to what hurt you: it’ll destroy you. I found and reposted this on Facebook today:
I know that if I’d carried the pain of every time someone had hurt me (or – if I’ve hurt someone else, them too) it would have destroyed me long, long ago – long before it would have affected the man who hurt me.