A lovely meeting tonight, not a big crowd, but just the right people there – prayed for all bar two of them, ranging from cancer pretty much everywhere to migraines to over-active extension of a lovely young girl’s thigh bone… always something different! Even the migraines were different….
Prayed for a whole family – for many inherited allergies and auto-immune issues, to the daughter, who’d had hip surgery at 22 months old, which had caused her left leg to grow at a more rapid rate than her right. No visible change, but she felt her leg tingling, which is frequently the first sign of something bigger about to happen. I have a sense it will all ‘equalise’ (she wanted to be shorter!!) in 48 hours.
The lady with cancer – started in her bowel, then moved to lungs, then lymph nodes – had been very encouraged by the story of Alejandrina in Mexico: visibly more peaceful, seemed more assured, the acid test will come in a few weeks when she is scanned….. 🙂 – but that she will know within days that her healing has begun, and that there’ll be no side effects from the chemo, which have been quite bad I discovered.
A young man with a severe migraine problem – with the knock on on effect of causing stomach migraines (I’ve forgotten the medical name!), as we prayed for him, both Rob’s and hands got extremely hot…. Â Bladder issues, stress, confusion…. prayed for, with some response…
Before the meeting, went to pray with a lovely family, originally from Uzbekistan, now out-and-out Aussies, for digestive and auto-immune issues, eczema, rashes….hearing in the youngest son, with a marked improvement before I left.
Tomorrow begins the roll….. 🙂