Supporting Paul
Since 1979, God has called Paul to trust Him for ministry, home, and finance. He has no salary, but looks to the Lord and His people to meet the growing costs of sharing the Good News. He does not own a house or office, and has no staff, so administration costs are small, preferring to invest what he receives in taking the gospel to nations that cannot help cover, or even contribute, to the high cost of getting to such places.
If you would like Paul to come and be involved with your church, outreach, or ministry, we would ask that you bear this in mind realistically, as Paul does look to ‘first world’ invitations to help finance evangelism in third and developing world nations.
Though he has no ‘ministry’ organisation, Paul does benefit from tax reclaimable/deductible giving in the UK (adding 25% to the gift), and the USA. If you are able to help send Paul to nations that many people don’t want to go to, then it is possible to do that here for one off or regular donations using:
Debit and credit cards
For regular and one-off giving, Stewardship is the best option. Paul’s account number is 20028331.
Stewardship also accept cheques by mail to:
Stewardship, 1 Lamb’s Passage, London EC1Y 8AB (gifts payable to Stewardship, designated ‘for Paul Bennison Healing Ministries Worldwide‘ please).
A Gift Aid form is downloadable from here: Stewardshipfile: ///C:/Users/Bennison/AppData/Local/Temp/_PA826/support_form.pdf
Another alternative for one-off gifts is:
If you don’t pay tax, by sending a gift direct to Paul’s bank: Halifax, Sort Code 11-08-75, Account P A Bennison, Account Number 00256003
- IBAN: GB06HLFX11087500256003 BIC: HLFXGB21Y30
Cheques made payable to P A Bennison: 61 Belfast Road, Bangor, County Down BT20 3PW, United Kingdom
PayPal is another option, where of course debit and credit cards be used: all you need is to access your own PayPal account, and send to Paul using his email address –
FOR GIFTS TOWARDS BUILDING & MINISTRY PROJECTS IN CALI, COLOMBIA, please use Stewardship’s dedicated ‘EL ABRIGO’ account – number 20176270