Two men – fairly new to the ‘Reconocer’ rehab programme, both gave their lives to Jesus today….
First was an older man, Carlos Arturo, whose every word, initially, gave the impression that he didn’t feel he was worthy of God saving him. It’s tragic when the enemy gets people in that terrible downward spiral. Once upon a time, as is often the story, he been a believer, for about 5 years, but got into alcoholism, drug addiction, and lived rough on the streets. He is an educated man, well-travelled, too, as he was a seaman, and had been pretty much all over the world. Wilmar, Pete, and I just talked to him, about how Jesus purchased his past on the cross, and that there was, from that moment in time this afternoon, to allow Jesus to take all his baggage away from him, that his only concern now is ‘things present and future’ (Romans 8:38)….
He prayed a beautiful prayer all of his own, asking God’s forgiveness, Wilmar led him in a prayer giving his life back to Jesus, and you could see the weight lift off of his shoulders, and the pain and fear go from his face. It was a lovely time.
As was leading Juan Manuel , a young man with an horrendous background, to a place of faith in Jesus, and a place of peace. His eyes changed from black ‘bullet holes’ to soft as Jesus washed through him. Salvation IS the greatest miracle of all. It’s just so amazing what Jesus did for us on the Cross, isn’t it?
We prayed for all the guys there individually, and all the staff, too. Some were healed: some being healed ‘in process’.
By the time we got home, we were all knackered….er, sorry, very tired! – and it’s pretty rare that Kerry and Pete are in bed by 9.30 pm: me too, come to hat (though it’s 10 pm now, as I’ve written this blog!
Quiet day tomorrow: maybe seeing Dario, definitely invited to a barbecue at the home of the parents of Jonathan, the young man mentioned in last Sunday’s blog, the Salsa dancer who’d had flat feet…. if he wants to teach us to Salsa, God’s gonna have to do an awesome miracle in these old knees of mine! They started today pretty well….but…. they’re in the process of being healed. That’s all I’m going to confess: I AM BEING HEALED!!!