As I went off to sleep last night, with my (usual!) difficulty at achieving that particular goal, I was thinking about the three meetings we’ve done here so far: My take on it is that AT LEAST 75% of the people we’ve prayed for have been healed, and all the ‘Christians-in-Waiting, as lovely Samuel Lamb in Guanzhou, China, called not-yet-Christians), have been saved… it is SUCH an immense privilege to be in meetings where God does ‘the stuff’ (John Wimber-ism there) and to be the fortunate, blessed geezer sitting listening to people pour out their hearts, their pain, personal things – and then seeing God invade every aspect of their lives.
Last night, for instance, people sat and wept as they talked about their pain, their families, their hurt: and left, healed, with hope, and laughing. It was an amazing church last night – if only because it was a ‘new’ one to me, with lovely, lovely pastors, in a tough situation, with circumstances all around them troubled, and mostly in extreme poverty. Such a blessing: thank you, Pastors Zamora and your lovely church, Iglesia AGC, Valle Grande, for allowing me, Chris, Katie, & Lee to have the privilege of being involved with you.
It’s always good for me, too, to bring people here, and for THEM to discover that praying for people in a couple of meetings in a day is totally, utterly exhausting, and draining. I try and explain that to people who’ve never done it, and the response is like ‘Oh yeah? That’s a breeze’…. last night, we were ALL mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physical worn out: but, good Colombia sausage, a beer or two, and friendship, are amazing aids to recovery!