I’ve mentioned Benny quite a bit in these blogs: long-time friend (16 years +). His wife and kids, Ceci & Pablo, are awesome friends of mine too. His mum and dad were my contacts initially: Enrique, Benny’s dad, was an amazing man: medical ‘consultant’ in 5 different areas of medicine (from cardiology to gynaecology!). Sadly, Enrique passed away 3 years or more ago, young – 57 (he was 3 days older than me). Mum, Mimi, is a mighty woman of God.
BUT…last night Benny preached, I know him well, and know enough Spanish to know what his heart and words were last night, and he WAS ON FIRE. So, so thrilled that he’s here, in Cali, with me, looking forward to what he reports back today, and counting the salvation & miracles – between us all! – when we get back together this afternoon…