After Paul’s wonderful blood pressure miracle last Tuesday, there was an even more amazing miracle for Tor, who I had the privilege of talking to on the phone last Tuesday too, and then spending some hours with last Wednesday, to pray for him in his home in Armagh. Tor has suffered a blood pressure of 230+ / 120 for more than 8 months. I’m no medic, but they’re pretty near fatal numbers. The doctors have not been able to get it down, and he was on medication that was so strong he could hardly move, almost turning him into a zombie.
Paul (from Tuesday) and Tor (from Wednesday) know each other, even though they don’t live near each other (Belfast/Armagh), and with Paul, on Tuesday, praying in my new local prayer room (Costa Coffee!). With Tor, we discovered we had so much in common, a well as our faith – Tor effectively lives by faith, he’s a musician (I’m not, but we like the same sort of music), he’s a radical man, among other things: the enemy is well on his case, that blood pressure being just one assault.
What was amazing was that Paul and I prayed for him – just a general prayer, on Tuesday: when I saw Tor Wednesday afternoon, he knew something had changed, and his blood pressure had dropped unbelievably. My original plan was to go to Armagh, maybe an hour and a half, pray for Tor, and come home. I think it was 4 hours, talking about the Lord, praying, talking about his music and his vision… and Thursday, he went to his doctor. 135/95 blood pressure! Where all the strongest medications and best doctors had failed, God did a miracle….
The doctor was somewhat surprised, needless to say Tor felt very different. God is so, so good! I guess Tor might well have died if it had gone on for much longer….
½Just before Christmas, I spoke at a couple of Full Gospel Christian Businessmen’s Fellowship meetings (Christmas Dinner included!!) – one in Craigavon, the other at the Stormont Hotel, Belfast. Quite a few people wanted prayer for – primarily – healing, and some had to leave before I had chance to pray for them.
One was a lovely man, Paul, who contacted me within a few days to ask if we could meet up for him to receive prayer. Costa Coffee is fast becoming a ‘holy slot’ – there’s a good ‘feel’ about the Costa very close to my home – not quite the ‘open heaven’ of Cali(!) – but God’s healed a few people there. Yesterday evening, Paul and I met up there for our third time together. He’s had a ‘tough’ life, suffers a lot of anxiety and depression, and for many months, has had a pretty drastic blood pressure – 185/190 0ver 110/115. He has been on medication for a long time, but when his BP rose to those ‘danger’ numbers. his doctor put him on some real heavy-duty pills, that almost zombified him, without reducing the numbers….
We had a lovely time together yesterday – 2½ hours – a very real sense of Jesus sitting with us drinking his latte with vanilla :). Paul has been to his doctor this morning and has just called me. The excitement in his voice said a lot! His blood pressure this morning is 140/80 – as my medical knowledge is concerned, just at the ‘top’ of a normal range….. it’ll have such a huge effect on his body – energy, breathing, sleeping, on many of his organs…..
The prayer against the anxiety, depression, stress began an immediate change in his emotions and appearance…. how does Jesus do it? It’s just incredible how HIS blood has such mind-blowing impact on our bodies…. Thank you, Jesus, for what you’ve done – and what you’ll continue to do in Paul through today, and over the next few days. I’d said to Paul before we prayed that what had affected him for maybe 40 years, Jesus would ‘jettison’ it at such a speed. It seems he’s answering that, too…..
During the course of any month, I pray for hundreds of people. Perhaps because of what God has blessed me to do, I get hundreds of requests from people through social media, email, text messages etc., to pray for them. I’ve pasted below a ‘Ransomed Heart’ post from John Eldredge (the ‘Wild at Heart’ man), which pretty much sums up where I’d be at! I can’t promise to pray long-term for people – I’d not have time to do anything else! – Some of you may find this a bit ‘brutal’ but sometimes, I won’t offer to pray for people as I’m doing it so much as part of my ‘job’ (perhaps I should say ‘ministry’! but it IS my job) it would be like asking someone who works 10 hours a day at their ‘day’ job, to spend their evenings or days off doing their job unpaid for you…. not that I’ve ever charged, but you get what I mean. I will sometimes pray in a private message, or a text message, phone, or ‘on the spot’ with someone…. I hope that this doesn’t offend people who ask for prayer (many of them I don’t even know!), but perhaps John’s explanation will help….
Sure, I’ll Pray For You
I’ve come to the place where I have had to stop telling people, “I’ll pray for you.”
I simply know that despite my good intentions—and these promises are almost always spoken with good intent—I know that nine times out of ten I just don’t remember to follow through. Not until maybe a week or two later, and then I feel guilty that I forgot. I don’t like promising something I probably won’t live up to. You know how these stories go: someone you care about tells you of their pain, need, or struggle, and you respond with, “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that; I’ll pray for you.” But then, most of the time, we never do. If all the prayers that were promised were actually prayed, this would be a different world by now.
So instead of promising future prayer, what I try to do nowadays is stop, right there in the moment, and pray. Right then and there. It’s funny how many Christians this actually throws off guard. “You mean, right now?” “Yes—absolutely. Let’s pray.” In the restaurant, in the car, on the plane, wherever. If it’s a text or e-mail request, I’ll start praying as I type my response, typing out a prayer for them right then and there. Not only does it help me follow through, but it helps them to agree right along with what I have prayed, and agreement is mighty powerful as we know.
John Eldredge, Ransomed Heart daily blog
It’s amazing, too, how many people think that because it’s ‘prayer’ it doesn’t cost time, emotion, energy, petrol, car running costs, car servicing, so it’s something that should be done for nothing, however many miles and hours it takes! Outside of meetings, everyone I pray for healing is prayed for in their own homes, or in the hometown in someone else’s home. Some people DO slip me a gift, for which I’m very, very grateful.
It’s not just praying for individuals, there’s often the same problem with churches and meetings. Some years ago, I was with a friend, a pastor on the south coast of England, who did a weekend of meetings in central Scotland, a round trip drive of over 1000 miles. It was a weekend of meetings, Friday evening, three Saturday, two Sunday: and as we left, the treasurer (I guess) gave him what many ministers refer to as the ‘dreaded brown envelope’, and in it was….. £0.37 pence! Ok, petrol was a little cheaper then, maybe £1.00 a gallon: the AA and Inland Revenue (then) designated the mileage costs at about 0.45 pence a mile, so the car ‘gift’ alone should have been around £500.
Those who know me know that when I began in ministry, God told me I was never to ‘charge’ – there are many who do, I know people who charge £3-500 for one meeting, one who charges high 4-figure fees for a day plus all expenses for bookings in the USA. I TRULY struggle with that, when Jesus made it so clear to his disciples, sent out to preach, in Matthew 10: ‘Tell the people the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, raise the dead. FREELY YOU HAVE RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE’. I’ve never been able to work out where charging hundreds of pounds or thousands of dollars comes into ‘FREE’.
As a minister, what is it we’re going to give away? If it’s not from God, it’s not worth giving. And it’s given to ministers FREE by a God who uses us. Of course, we need to live: the labourer is worthy of his hire, but as a someone being ‘hired’ I believe it’s in the hands of the ‘hirer’ to determine what that amount is. I’ve been to places where I’ve got nothing: others where I’ve been blessed. I know that God has told me, over the years I’ve been in ministry, that he’s called me to the poor, the needy = people who can’t even afford to give £1 equivalent, though often they do. They’ll give everything that is in the offering, it might amount to a pound or two.
I heard of a situation where some folk in Norway, I think, invited a ‘well-known’ American speaker (I do know who it was but it’d be wrong to say who!), who wanted $5000 A DAY, plus tens of thousands for the team, first class airfares for 5, business class for everyone else, plus the whole floor of a five star hotel for the team. Oh, yes, and the whole of the offering. The invitees agreed – on condition that the minister/team guaranteed that 1,000 minimum would be saved a day, and a similar number healed…. needless to say, the minister declined to go!
I’ve no way of knowing how many ministers ‘live by faith’ (a phrase I really don’t like – we ALL live by faith, whether it’s trusting God for our job, for our business and the lives of those who work for us, for social security if there are issues meaning we can’t work) – but for myself God told me I wasn’t to charge, and in 39 years I haven’t. I’d love to say that it’s been easy, and there’s never been a time of stress. I’d be lying if I said that! My regular support income is way below what the ministry has cost over those 39 years – when a vast amount of it is airfares, and I – and the people I take with me – pay rent when we’re away, food – all expenses….. a trip to Colombia for 3 weeks, for instance, costs at least £3000. My great friend Thanney, who by trade is a builder, with his own business and employees/contractors he’s responsible for, does exactly what I do – pays his own way on each trip (he’s done 4 in 13 months) and therefore he doesn’t earn a penny while he’s away. In fact, he’s worse off than me on a trip, as I at least get some regular support. That’s freely giving what he’s freely received.
If you’re a church leader, and invite preachers, please, can I ask you to prepare for the invited minister, and give a gift that bears some resemblance to what it would cost you to do the same distance/job/time – and build in expenses that effectively is a ‘salary’? Sadly, the best ‘givers’ are small, poor churches: the big churches seem to have much more problem giving. The story of the Widow’s mite and the Pharisee is so relevant to ministry, just as it is to us as individual Christians.
I will rarely – never, I think, up until now, not prayed for someone who’s asked. I doubt very much that I ever will. I want to see people healed and saved!! But like John Eldredge, I can’t promise to say to you that I’ll pray every day/week for you, as I’d have a list of tens of thousands by now!!
Anniversary day, January 1st! Today is the 39th anniversary of moving from banking into full-time ministry – after arguing with God for 5 years previously about making that move! I hated my job, but after 5 years of salary, a subsidised mortgage (2.5% in an era when mortgage interest was 14%), cheap car loan, pension…
I’d become locked into a comfort zone of income and money. The prospect of no salary, a 15% mortgage – an additional 1% as it was a re-mortgage – didn’t appeal to me a great deal, much as wanted to be involved in ministry!
I thought it would be short-term, like a year or two, never dreaming that a lifetime later I’d still be doing it, and with no desire to be a banker anymore….
All I can say is that the risk is worth it. There have been times when it’s been really tough, but the blessing far, far outweighs the battles.
No salary for 39 years, and I’m not even borderline anorexic(!!), I have a home (rented, not owned), a car, and food when I need it….
And in those years, I’ve had the privilege of God taking me to 110 countries, many multiple times (Romania 129, USA well over 100, Colombia 89, and many African nations multiple times, India, Mexico 30….. I’m so blessed….
Here’s to the next 39 years….
Five years ago today, I had the joy of meeting these two guys – the one on the left, Dario, has become a great friend since this night in 2012, when God began a miraculous transformation in him – healing him as we hugged then from multiple gunshot wounds. He then ran a number of favelas (I won’t unpack that here – look it up on google or wikipedia if you don’t know what it is!!). A more ‘unlikely’ friendship would be hard to find in so many ways, but there’s a real bond with him….
Jose Luis, Aida, and Jose Luis Jr., – one of the most special astonishing miracles I’ve EVER had the privilege of being involved in… 6 years ago today, in Cali, Colombia (Kids hospital Club Noel) when Junior was just a few months old, had the opportunity to pray something I’d never ever prayed for: he was born with NO fontanelles and NO sutures in his skull, which meant of course, that his cranium was solid, with no room or flexibility for his brain to grow. His future was more than bleak, to say the least – brain damaged, severely handicapped physically, more than likely dead very young. Dad had brought his skull x-rays to another brain surgeon – my long-time friend Doctora Dunia Patricia Quiroga, who told him to get the x-rays ‘prayed over by the Englishman in the waiting area’ of the kid’s hospital, and then to bring Junior to the hospital to be scanned by her…three hours later (maximum, I reckon), Dunia called me. Jose Luis Jr had all the necessary fontanelles and sutures in his skull for a perfectly normal life…. God is SO incredibly amazing, powerful, creative, merciful, kind….you name the adjective! Oh yes, and Mum and dad both gave their lives to Jesus …..