Yesterday evening at a church meeting we prayed for people in the end. God really showed up and it was fantastic. An old man in a wheelchair could put his hearing aids in his pocket and felt new strength in his legs. His wife got her hearing back in one of her ears after being totally death on that ear. Another family got really touched. The father got his hearing back on one of his ears. The mother got strongly touched by the Holy Spirit and felt a coolness in her arm where she had been shot. The son felt that his breathing improved, he had problems with his nose. Another girl felt pain leave her feet. She had had surgery done because of pain and disfunction. We prayed for more people and I’m sure that God touched them to even tough they could tell if they were better at that moment. He is really on the move in this place!
Visiting Ana Beiba was a fantastic experience. Such a woman of God! All the old people that she took care of would without her love and caring be out on the streets and many of them probably dead. And to see her struggling with her pain just walking was hard because you could just imagine how much work it must be. 120 people and she had some other ladies helping which was necessary. The happiness, pure joy and thankfulness that filled her face when she realized that the pain was gone was absolutely breathtaking. I am thankful for that I could just play a little part in praying for her when God healed her.
Author Archives: Paul Bennison
Ana Beiba’s desperate property need
I felt this post needed its own space, having reported on the visit to Ana Beiba yesterday.
Her foundation is groaning under the weight of numbers of abandoned old people. There is provision to extend her existing houses now, but only by one storey. The ‘babies’ are packed in – happily, I’d add – to the existing accommodation, but do need more room….
And so, the building on the corner of her road – it’s actually two shops on a large piece of land – are up for sale. November and December are the worst months for the ‘volume’ of elderly people being made homeless: Christmas, New Year expenses – Cali is world famous for its ‘Feria’ – a week long party between Christmas and New Year, and old people get ‘jettisoned’ to make more money available for families for the 8 days of festivity. The shops actually sell, among a limited number of other things, reconditioned toilets (!!). The price is 150,000,000 pesos (£36,000): it’s huge, but will need a large amount of work/expenditure to make it live-able.
I’d dearly love to get a volunteer team of builders, carpenters, decorators, electricians, plumbers, etc., to come over and ‘blitz-build’ the house: for skilled people, it probably could be done in less than a couple of weeks, and those coming would also have, of course, the opportunity of living under the spiritual open heaven that is Cali: pry for the sick, preach, see healings and miracles a plenty.
And, of course, to raise the money to buy it: the owners are wanting to sell rapidly (it’s been up for sale for some time). It’s currently rat-infested as I said in the previous blog, and a health threat to the old folk, until it is remodernised. And, being next door, it can be internally connected by knocking down walls. It’s perfect….
If you can help…funding, practical… please let me know. If you could come here for a couple of weeks if you’re a skilled worker (my woodwork certainly doesn’t come in that category!), then can you let me know, please? It IS desperate!
Swedish miracles!
Wonderful Ana Beiba…major physical miracle for her…Barrio Compatir…School….
Where do I begin, again, to write about Ana Beiba, and her home for Abandoned Old People? It’s not a case of repeating myself, because she’s always got new plans to take in more old people, extend this faith ministry further and further….
We arrived to be greeted by the ‘usual’ very loud clapping and cheering from her 120+-strong lovely residents: it’s really incredibly humbling – every process with Ana Beiba is humbling – to be greeted like returning heroes, when truly it’s a privilege to be involved with such a ‘Mother Theresa’ like lady, who loves her ‘babies’ more than her own life. What was immediately evident was that Ana Beiba was in excruciating pain as she walked, and with a limp that I could honestly describe as worse than mine when mine was dreadful…
I sat and chatted for a while whilst Andreas and Kristin had a guided tour: they were amazed at how organised, orderly, and tidy it was: not enough beds, but often they sleep two to a bed. That has to be significantly better that sleeping under wet cardboard under a bridge or in a gutter in the rainy season…and this week has some amazing rain….a massive storm blocked major roads with lakes: took out the traffic lights…and, by Colombian’s standards, it’s not been warm (29°C+ day, 22°C at night!!). Many people as yet not rescued by dear Ana will have died.
I asked her about her vision: the double-fronted ‘shop’ on the corner (large building, but rat infested, with many other creatures that provide significant threat health wise to her babies) is up for sale. It’s attached to her houses, so could be knocked through to make one huge place, and, probably, accommodate 200 more. She’s offered to buy it… 150,000,000 pesos (GB£35,000, so around US$55,000, AU$72,000)…November and December are the two worst months, she told me, for homeless old people, as families turn them out to finance Christmas, and hospitals want accounts settled by the end of the year…. I guess I don’t need you to tell you what I want to do….??!!
Handing over the cheque for 50,000,000 pesos (approximately GB£12,000) to complete the construction of her second house (the one above will the numbers 3 and 4), instantly produced a typical response: arms raised to heaven, thanking God, praying….no singing this time as I think her hip pain muted her a wee bit. But no…she fell to her knees (osteoarthritis and kneeling down I know all about!!), and came, on her knees, to hug me, strangle me, suffocate me….we were both in tears. Getting her up off the floor was a major exercise, involving Andreas, Kristin, Wilmar, and me… thank you, thank you, thank you, to a certain dear friend back home in England who has facilitated the building project (over the last 2 years, £33,000 more, too)….
I asked her about her walking problem: acute osteoarthritis of her left hip (God’s sense of humour and osteoarthritis and me is still something I can smile about…just hope I can KEEP smiling until he finally blesses me with my turn for healing!). Ana has many stairs in her home, including a difficult main staircase that is narrow steel with a sharp bend…she has to lift her babies frequently, and it was proving more and more difficult. I’ve been involved with Ana and her project for 4-5 years now: God has healed her three times of ‘terminal’ prognoses for cancer, so we set to on her hip on Thursday. Within moments, she was up, bouncing up and down on both legs, and THEN the one leg that had been crippled, dropping to her knees, getting up straight away unaided… thank you, Jesus!! She was deliriously happy….so was I….if, at the same time, having to ‘fight back’ the tiny, tiny twinge of ‘please, Lord…?’ for my healing….
Time passes quickly at Ana’s….and then we were en route for, what I was told by a taxi driver, one of the most dangerous barrios in the city – a new one to me, Compartir (To Share’ – most like with guns to the head!!). It’s a long way ‘into’ Agua Blanca, long drive, on lakes even longer! A new church, pastored by a lovely man, Orlando. The small building was packed: Kristin shared something God had given her, which was great: Andreas shared testimonies he’s seen God give to people…I think we prayed for just about everyone. At least two – maybe more – deaf people heard: as always, osteoarthritis reared its pain and went(!!), a man involved in a motorbike accident, with a smashed knee was healed, his wife, a young mum, injured in a different accident – severely broke both arms in multiple places, her arms were filled with steel plates, and had very little movement in any direction… God started by removing/dissolving the largest steel plate on the top of her right forearm, and a smaller one under her wrist in the carpal tunnel area… she began to laterally and vertically move both arms, which meant – it could ONLY mean, with the movements she made – that the steel had gone…
Many more testimonies which I’ll get Andreas and (they’ve been absolutely brilliant, fantastic to have here, and so on fire for God) Kristin to write about….and back to the apartment after a long, emotionally draining day….
At 7am Friday morning, my lovely Swedish friends were up, and at a school to speak for an hour or more…. children are just not my ‘calling’ (!!), so I felt it prudent to rest my recently injected and treated legs with a bit of tlc…. many kids prayed for…they had a great time!
Miracle & testimony stories from Andreas and Kristin
Here comes some testimonies: Last Sunday in church Paul preached. After the sermon we started praying for people, almost everyone in the church wanted prayer for something. We each had one translator. A woman called Anna came to me, Kristin for prayer. I prayed for her brother who had been in an accident and he couldn’t walk or speak. After praying for a while and saying amen she started crying so I continued for a while. She really felt God’s presence and she was smiling and felt much lighter afterwards. Thanks to God for His touch! /Kristin
A blind man came to me, Andreas for prayer for more of The Holy Ghost. He was not blind from birth but had been working one day carrying fruit and one fruit with thorns called lulu fell on his eye and he became blind on that eye. After the recovery he started working again and that day the exact same thing happened but with the other eye. He couldn’t see anything now. I started to pray for him and after a while I asked him if he needed to forgive someone, directly he knew that he needed to forgive his son, so he did. I continued to pray for him to receive his sight. He started now to study his hands and telling us that he could we shadows in the room. He could tell if people were sitting or standing and where the lights were. Isn’t that amazing! Praise the Lord! We hope to hear back from the church about what happened to this man! /Andreas
Just another day for (Andreas, Kristin, and me) in paradise…
Testimonies galore from last night’s church, Dios con Nosotros (God with Us), in Valle de Lilli! Some from July, others from last night’s meeting…
In July, at this lovely church pastored by a great guy, Rafael (Herrera, I think), there have always been great testimonies. Many who came for prayer last night told me of God healing them in July – long time blog readers might recall a beautiful story of a couple in the church, the wife is Leidy, who couldn’t have children, and some visits back I prayed for her. A few visits later – about 15 months apart – Leidy came to church holding her baby. Last night, she came for prayer for cysts in her breasts: she could (prior to the meeting!!) feel them, but could also feel something happen as I prayed last night….her examination when she got home will have delivered God’s answer…
Names of people have already been ‘stolen’ from my head, but a lovely guy, involved in an accident about a year ago, where he lost a third of his brain. The miracle here is that he is alive: not just that, but walking, talking, living a normal life…how can God do that? – but was in pain in other parts, in the pancreas/spleen regions… it all went. A lady who by profession is a masseuse/ physiotherapist, was finding her job impossible because of her own pain – major problems between the 6th and 7th vertebra, intense pain causing loss of strength in her arms and hands. God healed her.
Frank, another with intense pain just below his ribcage, undiagnosable, it seems, was healed. He also had an undiagnosed problem with extreme pin in his feet (not plantar fasciitis, or fallen arches), but crippling. Healed. Thank you Lord!
Kristin prayed for a boy, Miguel, with back, legs, and heart pain, all as a result of drug abuse: off drugs for two months, all the pain left, and the final ‘hook’ of addiction was prayed out of him….Andreas prayed for a lady who had great pain in her hips, legs, and back – as a result of ‘leg length’ … her job has her standing all day (generally 12 hours), Andreas checked out her leg length, one was a good centimetre shorter than the other, it grew out, and all the pain left her… Another lady, stricken with pain, just began to laugh as the Holy Spirit fell on her, and all her pain went.
I’m waiting for more testimonies from last night, but in their absence right now, I’ll post this and include them in the next log.
In the afternoon, we went to La Isla, another frequent ‘port of call’ on visits here now, to be with, and bless, the lovely Dr Ana Bustos, and the dreadfully sad community she has adopted s her ‘children’ – who live in the most unbelievable conditions under a very busy road bridge. Some of the people who live there have become friends: most are there because of life’s ‘circumstances’ – mostly to do with drugs and alcohol: but many, especially one who ha become a friend to me, Ernesto, desperately wants his life to change, but, living as he does,
it’s nigh on impossible to get work. He’s a lovely man, fluent in English, always gives me a massive hug when I arrive…. as does Ana Bustos. Ana is a high qualified doctor of opthamology: the pay for ‘non=private’ doctors here is not great, and she works ridiculous hours – yesterday, when we arrived, she done a 20 hour shift, then gone home to cook for 38 of her ‘children’, then with them for some hours….the dedication of her life to them humbles me. But gringoes don’t generally go to places like La Isla (The Island), and the fact that I always take all my guys there, just to BE with them, pray for them, and love them, brings her to tears. It is so, so humbling. God healed Ernesto in July: last week, he was sick again, vomiting up at least 4 pints of blood, the docs daid he should have died. They couldn’t find a reason, so sent him ‘home’… so the chance to pray for him yesterday was a real privilege, and the gratitude blows you away.
One man you could see in his eyes that he was in extreme pain, terrible trouble standing up, and Andreas grabbed him, discovered the back pain, prayed, and it went away instantly. A huge smile on his face confirmed that he as pain free.
We had a short break for lunch (late afternoon), then off down south the Rafael’s church…lunch being one of those ‘missionary meals’ where to be on a trip like this is suffering for the kingdom – not!! It’s called a ‘Panne Cook’ – french bread ‘boule’ scooped out and filled with..well, almost anything you could choose…
Today, a number of events, including the very attentive doctor to my knees! – Ana Beiba’s Home for Abandoned Old People, and a church in deepest Agua Blanca, a barrio named Compartir….a very distracting church as it is above a gorgeous smelling 24 hour a day bakery….
Legs growing out in a down-town shopping centre… a lady healed when Andreas prayed for her in church on Sunday, rushing over to us when she saw us by her tienda…then she brought others to be prayed for who were powerfully touched by God, and healed/in process of being healed, in Centro Commercial La Fortuna…
The day began in in hospital, though, when I delivered my left leg to the lovely doctor who stuck huge needles in my right knee Thursday… just in case you’re wondering, the enemy’s been having a right go at these ‘objects’ halfway down my legs… but worse has been the knock on effect of what’s happened to the muscles: stretched, twisted as a result of the ‘ministry of silly walks’ that has become my modus operandi of the past few days…
So to get some ‘stuff’ inserted the knees helped: but bless him, the lovely Dr Ramirez, gave me a prescription for more stuff to be injected with big needles, to relax the muscles….then the lovely Maria Helena, a nurse from Wilmar’s church, came to the apartment, armed with syringes, to stick another big needle in my backside… I have to say it’s the first time I’ve dropped my trousers or anyone in any of the churches here… or anywhere, come to that!!
So, with knees less pained, and muscles and iliotibial bands relaxed, I’ve temporarily – hopefully longer – resigned from the ministry of silly walks with effect from late afternoon!
When I first started coming to Cali, no one would ever let me go to ‘Centro’ – the downtown market area, with ‘market style’ shopping centres, because it’s ‘too dangerous for gringoes’… being the obedient boy that I am, I soon got round that ban, and, over the years, have built up some good friendships with many ‘tienda’ (stall-like small shops) owners… not the least being Manuel, who makes the best fruit juice drinks on the planet, I’m convinced. So it was time for Andreas and Kristin to experience Manuel’s marvels… the consensus was agreement with me…. Pineapple in water, Pineapple in milk, Borojo in milk, and my staple, strawberry in milk….
A hug from Manuel on arrival was great, and ‘usual’…then into the centre, to have people from many stalls greeting me like a long lost friend… first stop the video stall of Ricardo, always a fruitful visit!
As we entered the centre, Estela, the lady from church Sunday, rushed over to Andreas (well, he is quite recognisable at 14 feet 9 inches or 500 cms!!) – she’d been healed (I’ll have to remind myself by asking Andreas from what)… would we pray for a lady who worked for her son’s watch shop…
Which, of course, we did… Therese was very afraid, having been diagnosed with tachycardia and – it seems – quite severe thyroid problems. I love to declare over fear 1 John 4:18 – first cursing the fear and tell it where to go, as it is whipped out of a person’s life by the perfect love of God… her heart became regular, fear went, peace consumed her, and only time will tell about the thyroid. I’m often in the mall just chatting to the friends I’ve mentioned, so I should be able to find out…
Then Andreas a young lady, 18-20 we reckoned, standing at the tienda, one leg shorter than the other… so Estela went over and asked if she’d like prayer. One of the myriad amazing joys of this country is that people so rarely say ‘no’ to prayer. She came and sat down, backside nice and square against the back of the chair, feet on the palms of Andreas’s hands…. it WASN’T back trouble, which leg length issues frequently are: it was oxygen deprivation at birth…which had left her with back problems, major problems with her right arm – it was virtually useless, and her fingers pretty ‘clawed’, as well as epilepsy, as if she needed anything else.
Well, down came the left leg… she felt ‘very different’ as she stood and walked… she was in a hurry as her mum was waiting outside the mall in the car, and you just don’t ‘stop’ in those narrow streets, so I quickly ‘attacked’ the back, arm, hand, and epilepsy in about 30 seconds… my belief is that, in a situation like hers, when Jesus heals one thing, he’s not going to leave someone half-healed. He never did in the gospels: you don’t read ‘I’ll grow your leg, but you’ve got to live with the epilepsy/deformity/pain’…. Or ‘I had the anointing for epilepsy healing yesterday: tough, you’re a day late!’ …or ‘Can’t do anything, go and see a doctor’… so, she walked out having to learn from scratch how to walk properly with even-length legs…and, I believe most definitely, the other issues, doubtless connected to the oxygen deprivation, on their way out, too….
There’s a short video of Victoria’s leg growing….a good centimetre of more… here:
It’s wonderful, just wonderful, to ‘do the stuff’ in a shopping mall…. All the people from tiendas nearby were watching… and most said ‘goodbye and thank you’ to us as we left….for what JESUS did, and his banner is now hoisted high over Centro Commercial la Fortuna…
The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk…
God turned up wonderfully in the church Filadelfia, Sunday morning. The deaf received their hearing, the blond received their sight, the lame walked…and much more!
As I mentioned in the previous blog, it’s a church pastored by an incredible lady, Pastora Fanny, 88 years old, so short she came up to Andreas’s waist(!), but a woman burning with Holy Spirit passion, fire, energy, and her church reflect just who she is. She’s an apostle to a good number of other churches in the city and the state of Cauca, an incredible testimony to anyone who thinks 65 is a ‘good age’ to retire. Fanny will never retire, of that I’m sure: it’s been a privilege to know her for a number of years now.
The worship was passionate, Fanny fired everyone up with just a few short words, Andreas and Kristin both shared testimony – very, very well, too: their words added to the fire, an so it was easy to get up and speak after that.
It’s great when you know that you’ve heard something from God: in the morning, about 7am, I’d got my sermon ‘sorted’ in my head. We were picked up for church at 9am by lovely Pastor William Castano – but for me, that meant William would be at the meeting….as he’s perhaps the nations’ most respected Bible teacher, it’s a wee bit daunting to preach with him there! As we were about to leave for church, God changed my sermon, with no time left to prepare (maybe that’s better in my case!!) – even more daunting! – on 2 Corinthians 3:18. Above the church’s platform was the church’s ‘motto’ text’ – 2 Corinthians 3:17! Then, I felt I could just go ‘on a roll’… thank you, Lord!
Loads of people – probably most of the congregation, came forward for prayer for healing, and there were many healings – miracles, too, if you call neck to ankles chronic osteoarthritis being healed instantly, a miracle! I know I do…. It included the lady’s knees, par for the course when I pray for people these days, and she was walking, bending, squatting – with no pain at all.
Many chronic pain infirmities went: gastritis: a man with no more than 50% hearing in both ears and 50% sight, received total healing for both instantly. A lovely little boy, Juan, seven years old, had a chronic, very rare eye disease, and his vision was no more than 20%, and one of his eyes constantly moved of its own volition – not ‘lazy eye’, something significantly worse. He could read, but only with a paper/book no more than 6 inches/15 cms from his face.
In moments, he was reading the text over the platform: reading posters on the walls, all from distance, totally recovered and restored.
Everyone with something ‘tangible’ – they could feel the change – wrong with them, was healed. Even a man with – I’d guess by his attire a street guy, who’d only been saved a few days – with acute bi-polar, felt the ‘switch’ in his head and left, looking and feeling very, very different.
It was the same story for Andreas and Kristin: many physical healings, and emotional stuff that people knew had ‘changed’… I’m trying to persuade them to write their own reports for the blog here, but I need to keep working on that ;)!! They were both brilliant, into praying ‘command’ prayers from the start: with translators they didn’t know – no, Andreas had long-time friend, Johan – but their praying was wonderfully effective right from the ‘off’.
Yesterday – Monday – was a national holiday here – so we spent time with people, so Andreas and Kristin could get to know them, and also, as is always the case with all of the teams who come here, recover from the ‘exhaustion’ of praying for people for some hours.
The photo of the church folk afterwards was fun: I tried to manipulate it so that Pastora Fanny stood in front of Andreas….if she’d head-butted him, he’d have had a hernia and needed hospitalisation… J
And I’m sure this NEVER happens to any of you….! – mostly I’m pretty good with names, but there are just SOME people, however well I know them, however many times I see them, their names are magically erased from my hard-drive…. On the left of the picture of pastors/leaders, is Hugo: I’ve known Hugo at least 15 years…. It’s NOT a hard name, an easy one to remember, when I’m not with him, I can picture him, and know his name without any hesitation. When I’m with him – like Sunday, when he helped me with translation for praying for people – his name is gone L – bless him, I love the man, and once again I had to ask him to remind me of his name…. Is it an ‘ageist’ thing…?!?!
What a start!!
Wonderful day! What a way to start the trip! Door to door visitation – which I positively hate in the UK, as it’s so generally unproductive – was so wonderful in Los Lagos today.
We were with the church Oasis de Restauracion, pastored by the lovely Wilson and Luz Eneth Monroy. Los Lagos has a ‘reputation’ even within the city, so, humanly, it’s possible to think you might have someone put their head round the door, and chat…or you might get something perhaps more metallic aimed your head!
When we arrived, it was wonderful to Wilson: just three months ago, I prayed for him in his church: he was ill, suffering with depression, and panic attacks. This is a great man of God: a wonderful Pastor, Bible Teacher, and a key man in God’s move here in this city. The enemy, invariably, in my experience, attacks the strong, and frequently at our strongest points. Today, Wilson looked a new man. Thank you, Jesus. Luz, his wife, asked I remembered praying for their son, Stephen: he had major eye trouble: not just a ‘lazy’ eye, but one that did its own thing, and he was losing sight generally (he’s about 14/15 years old), and optometrists had said there was nothing that could be done. I was blown away when Luz told me that he’d specifically asked for me to pray for him: I don’t have anything others don’t have (maybe I use them a bit more than others? I don’t know…). When he next was seen by the optometrist, his eye was totally ok, and his sight restored even beyond what it had been when the ‘affliction’ hit him as a child…. God’s so blooming marvellous!
Andreas and Kristin were paired off with a terrific young man, Daniel 13, to translate, and a lady from the church to give a Bible as a gift for the person/family, and to get information for follow up. I was with a lovely lady called Nayib to translate, and Sandra….
The first house made me a little unsure of God’s sense of humour! – the lady came to the door, a face peered through a gap, full of fear, eyes troubled. For a few minutes, it seemed evident that she wasn’t going to invite us in: so I told her why I was there, in her barrio, in Los Lagos: because God, and Jesus, love me so much, that I want to tell others, and that I love her country because God loves its people, and has a unique and special love for her. Then the door opened, she invited us in: the two ladies with me went in first, and I looked up…and up…and up – at a massive double staircase, about 30-35 concrete stairs, narrow treads, deep….and thought… does God want to save her more than I don’t want to attempt these stairs with a pair of knees that rebelled at the sight of them!! (Joke, ok!!)….
Geraldine, the lady of the house, was such a troubled soul: two lovely kids, Jordon and Jocelyn, 9 and 5. As Nayib and I talked to her, tears began to flow….and her barriers came crashing down. We chatted with her for quite some time: and she chose to want to end her fight for life alone, and invite Jesus to help her. It was so lovely leading her through the prayer: when we’d finished praying, her whole appearance and demeanour had changed. I’d asked God to fill her with his love, peace, joy, presence, strength – her eyes sparkled, she was smiling, the trouble had gone from her face, and she was alive…
Next house for us – a lovely lady named Elsy, with 11 children. At least 9 of the kids were there: I don’t know if I can remember all of their names (thank goodness God can!) – Marlon 17, Maribel 20, Geraldine 11, Lileana 16, her twin…er?! ….and …er….over to you, God! A live-wire family to say the least: many questions, a lot to do with other religions…but the twin who wasn’t Lileana (!) said…please can we pray now? – so longing to have Jesus break her away from ‘life’, and history…
I told them NOT to pray the prayer if they didn’t want to, weren’t going to mean it…but they all did, Elsy too, all ten that were in the house. It was a special few minutes…. I then had the chance to pray for healing for Marlon and Elsy: I hope the church follow them up, and find out about their healings!
We were with them about 90 minutes: some of the garbage that ‘church’ and other religions have taught is unbelievable! Maribel asked if I was married or single: when they knew I am single, Marlon said ‘So according to the Bible, then, you’re going to hell!’ Perhaps I ought to find a wife quickly, after all…. !!
We were in Los Lagos about 5-6 hours… Andreas and Kristin saw people healed, and saved: I love it when God does ‘wonders’ for guys that come with me right at the outset: they already have strong faith (they did 2 months in Pemba, Mozambique, with Rolland and Heidi Baker – I’m in awe!) – but to see miracles on day one of ministry sets the tone for the trip! They’re loving it….
This evening, I stayed behind as they went off with Wilmar to his church to do a 3 hour kids event: not my forte, if I’m honest…so what happened there will be in tomorrow’s blog. I stayed behind, too, to give the old knees a breather – yesterday I had needles stuck in the right knee, after a doctor, recommended to me, saw the x-rays he took… I have to say that they are ‘impressive’ knees, if completely wrecked is impressive! Tuesday, he sticks needles in the left one… I’m not a lover of steroids/cortisone, but boy, does it make a difference, if only short term!
Broken hearted, today, to read of the night-club fire in another of my ‘loved homes’ – Bucharest, Romania L – 28 dead, 140 injured… tragic, as they are all so young….
And, I guess, as always in a post from Colombia, there has to be a food picture! – possibly the biggest chip I’ve ever had on a plate…last night in the lovely French bar over the road from the apartment, ‘La Fee Vert’ (The Green Fairy!!) – I can’t for the life of me imagine where that bottle of beer came from 😉 – Moi? Drink beer? Especially Mexican Negra Modelo? Never… 🙂 (Do I lie convincingly?)
Cali: the big kick-off!
Street evangelism and prayer for healing on the streets, followed by a kids outreach later afternoon and early evening… Having been given the luxury of a couple of days to ‘settle in’ , today begins the real purpose of being here! Actually, even for me, who’s used to the temperature/altitude/humidity, it’s been invaluable to have this time.
I arrived Wednesday morning, to a disconcertingly ‘cool’ temperature (about 25°C, at 0730 am!!), to, as usual, the wonderful, smiling face of great, great friend Wilmar Gomez – there can’t be anyone better to meet you after a 20+ hour journey. Such a lovely brother: 17 years of great friendship now. It’s my 68th time in Colombia, my 57th in Cali, so I’m pretty ‘au fait’ with the city/climate, etc., but by 3.30 pm. the temperature (according to many clock/temperature/advertising boards/bridges around the city) had risen to 37°C. To say the air conditioning in the car came into its own would be an understatement, and it is in the apartment, too! My journey was very good, though without the offer of upgrades this time (boo-hoo!) but God was kind to me – the only empty seat on the plane (Airbus 330, so big) was next to me…the flight was overnight, leaving London at 2210 (10.10 pm), arriving Bogota at about 0400 am (5 hour time change, so 11 hours of so flight), and I slept for 7 hours, which is the first miracle of the trip!! I never sleep on planes, unless given the privilege of an upgrade, when you can lie down!
Andreas and Kristin Max arrived about 8.30 pm (2030) Wednesday evening, so about 9.30 in the apartment: pretty much jet-lagged, though having done what I’d always advise people, and not sleep too much on the second half of the flight, with the aim of being ‘tired but not too tired’ on arrival so you can get straight on to local bed time! Jet-lag has finally left Andreas – he’s so used to working very early mornings, and bed early at night, back home in Sweden, that it messed up his clock considerably!
Today begins the real joy: getting stuck in with ministry. Street evangelism/door to door evangelism/prayer is in Los Lagos, Agua Blanca: one of the more ‘risky'(!!) barrios of Agua Blanca, and, of course, in the open air – 30°C++! Door to door evangelism in a dangerous barrio should have the adrenaline pumping! Wilson and Luz Monroy, the pastors whose church is organising it (Oasis de Restauracion – probably needs little translation!), are great friends, and lovely people: impossible to refuse a day in the sun working with his church!! Then, with Wilmar’s church, in the afternoon, with the kids. Wilmar’s church – El Abrigo – has a huge ministry to children in different parts of the city, and to say it’s a church I love would be another gross understatement.
Tomorrow, we’re at a church whose Pastor I’ve known for years, but, as far as I know, never been to the church. It’s called ‘Filadelfia’ (probably doesn’t need translation!!), and the pastor is an incredible lady, Fanny, who is about 4 feet 6 inches tall, an apostle, and well into her 80’s. I’ve had the joy of praying for Fanny on a number of occasions, and God has graciously healed her, so it will be a delight to be in the church of a mid-80s visionary. Bring on more of them, Lord! Including me… and then another 40 years beyond that….