It’s quite hard to think of titles for these blogs that capture what’s happening, most times god (thankfully!), sometimes tough…. how do you title in a few words a blog following tonight’s meeting at Diamond Valley Baptist Church? A real growth in the number of people (as one of the church leaders said, ‘Word gets around!’), and, after a week of some lovely, but low key healings, and the delight of seeing people who might never have prayed for others before begin to do so, it was wonderful tonight to see God do some great things!
One lovely young lady, Kirsty – healed of a brain tumour last time I was here, and healed tonight of a number of ‘knock-on’ things, plus the beginning of healing of other things in her body: another lovely young lady (I will only call her ‘A’ as I haven’t asked for permission from her yet to tell her story) – acute depression, major-league hormonal imbalances resulting in a loss of a lot of hair as well as the internal effects, cysts in other parts of her body (I assumed ovaries, though she didn’t specify and it didn’t matter!) – she ‘looked’ desperate, sad, and in pain: and her whole appearance changed totally after receiving prayer.
A young lady from last Thursday – with increased vision (she was terribly short-sighted). Sally, now a good friend with her housemates Cam, Lach, and Kylie – healed tonight of a life-long ‘lazy eye’ – her right eye had always had a mind of its own, and she couldn’t see anything even up to arms lenght away clearly – the eye straightened, and long distance clarity was hers for the first time…. wonderful!
Natalie, prayed for last year, then almost totally crippled and in acute pain, came tonight to say that she’d been almost totally healed of all the things prayed for then, including pretty much total mobility in both arms (she’d been in a motorbike accident). A few other things to pray for tonight, mostly internal so time will tell, and has an appointment tomorrow at a cancer clinic for a skin ‘blemish’ on her nose…. that’ll be gone by the morning, I know….
Paul, acute pain in his left knee for a couple of weeks (huh….as mine are feeling much better I didn’t feel quite so envious as I might have done!) – his knee was healed, all movement back under his control, and all pain gone.
Robert’s brother, James: prayed for him last Thursday, for the ‘residue’ problems following a motorbike accident last August (13 months, not 1 month, ago!): the swelling that had been around his right ankle (his right leg, knee especially, had been totally smashed in the crash) since the accident, has gone completely, the scar on his shin, which was very red and convex, is now pink and concave, and disappearing, and his patella has lost all of its swelling and he can see his patella tendon for the first time since the accident. (I must have fatter knees than I thought, as I don’t think I’ve EVER seen my patella tendon – not even sure what I’d be looking for!!!).
It’s amazing how quickly the stories slip out of mind: I’m struggling to think of the others – maybe that’s because it’s 0030am, and the meeting was nearly 4 hours long! – but they involved a good number of people freed from pain, reduced pain, increased movement – and, thank you Lord, just about everyone there at some stage or another being prayed for – and then praying for others with Robert and me…. that really has been a special ‘occurrence’ here this visit.
It’s wonderful to hear people pray, maybe for the first time in their lives, ‘In the name of Jesus, I command…’ Thrills me to bits.
And just a quick update – I was able to kneel (not happened for a long time) today, which means increased movement and a lot of pain behind the kneecap gone, today. Thank you Lord!
Wonderful, wonderful God!!!!!