Author Archives: Paul Bennison
Miracle in progress from Club Noel Children’s Hospital this morning…
Spent about 90 minutes at the hospital, during which time we prayed for a large number of kids, and their worried, concerned parents/grandparents. It’s always wonderful there to see visibly God touching the lives of the kids, and more especially the parents, and just the fact that ‘gringoes’ (all foreigners are gringoes here!) take the time, touble, and effort, to go and pray is actually part of the process for the kids and parents.
One stand-out story today: a young lad, we estimated about 10, named Duvan Abadia Garcia, was massively touched by God, looked transformed, so did his mum. Duvan had obviously had some major birth trauma, amongst his ‘problems’ (and this is where I’m glad there are doctors with me!!) were: Myelomeningo cele (spina bifida), tetralogy of fallot (heart surgery for conenital heart problem), neuropathic bladder, taliper equinovarus (club foot, bow legs), and optical atrophy. A fair list, you might say…
Well: the ‘bottom’ end of his body is a work in progress, but after he’d seen my neurosurgeon friend, we’re told he was healed of all, with the club foot and bow legs still to be worked on by God…. absolutely astonishing to see the transformation and hear the news – even more to see mum’s face, smile, and gratitude to God.
We also prayed for a small baby with exactly the same problem as baby Jose Luis had, 18 months ago: with mum, quite astonishingly, sitting in exactly the same chair in the waiting room as dad Jose Luis had sat in when we prayed over baby J-L’s x-rays all those months ago. I told her in my best Spanish what had happened then, and hope and delight spread over her face… we await further news!
Two churches tonight: one in Barrio Cordoba, with a pastor who was in last night’s meeting, and the other in an Assemblies of God church in the north west of the city. Benny, bless him, will come to that one, where Katie and I will be going, straight from the airport after his trek from Mexico City….
A few statistics….
Last night, a lot of people wanted prayer for family – it’s amazing how many have drug addict/imprisoned/gang members in their families: but of those healed, we all agree that at least 80% of the people prayed for were healed. I tried to keep out of the way during the praying, as I always want the people I bring with me to go home with THEIR stories of what God did, not the stories that they saw me involved in.
But, because I know Hernan and Aida so well, I couldn’t escape last night (!), and though I only prayed for about 5 or 6 people, including the wrecked knees, every single one was healed….
In, of course, a church that has grown by 400% in a year…..God is so flipping fantastic!
Amazing day…..
….tiring and exhausting, but simply amazing. In the morning at the Social Security Hospital (Nueva EPS) close to where, once upon a time, my mate Paul & I rented an apartment, in Los Cambulos. 18 months ago (I mentioned this in an earlier post), the hospital Director asked if we’d pray for her and her staff. All the other Social Security hospitals have closed, or will close this month. This one is prospering….
Prayed for many people, with yours truly as the translator! One lady, who’d brought a wheelchair-bound relative, suffered herself from osteoarthritis. She was healed head to foot. A lady with chronic arthritic hands was healed. I must say I love it when God heals arthritis, as I think he’s having a bit of a game with me, seeing if I’ll keep praying for it even if mine remains! The guys all individually saw God heal people…
…then on to lunch with the wonderful pastors William, Hendrik, and Wilmar to discuss more – many more! – opportunities to preach, pray, share, and give away what God’s given to us. William Castano Baron is a highly regarded pastor in many South American countries: Hendrik, too, especially in Bolivia and Curacao. Wilmar pastors ‘El Abrigo’ church, and is, genuinely, one of the loveliest men I’ve ever met. Wonderfully for him, but sadly for us, Hendrik heads off to Bolivia Thursday with his wonderful wife Teija.
This evening, we were in one of the cities highly dangerous barrios – Simon Bolivar. To be honest, if it had been ANY other church than the one were scheduled to go to, I might have stayed home, as my knee has been….er….awful (and more!) today! But Nacer de Nuevo (New Birth) church, an AOG church, is so lovely, I had to go. Pastors Hernan & Aida (Helchie) Gonzalez are amazing. I first went to this church maybe 3 years ago: poverty stricken area, there were 8 people there, including the 3 people I’d taken, and me. Last year, there were 18. Tonight, there was a congregation of between 80-100. Still poverty stricken, Hernan & Aida run a little street stall to generate some income for them, and their lovely son Hernan the third, and, as God has blessed their church, so he has blessed the stall.
BUT… success in the streets means they have attracted the interest of the drug gangs/siccarios (cheap hired killers), who want ‘protection’ money, and a cut of their income. To put that threat into context, Pastor Walter Torres was driving through that area a couple of months back, and an old couple stepped off the pavement, into his path, and stopped. He stopped, obviously, to avoid hitting them: at which point 5 young armed thugs appeared, and while one held guns to the heads of the old people, they robbed Walter….
Tonight, at least 15 gave their lives to Jesus. Dozens were healed, and, in line with God’s ‘game’ with me, I got the ‘knee’ people! Two crippled elderly ladies, both with acute osteo arthritis, had their knees totally healed, and all pain went…. I almost asked them to help me get up from the edge of the platform…;) Lee saw someone with a frozen shoulder healed, Chris and Katie – and Lee & I some more – all saw people healed. Hernan & Aida were deliriously happy, so were we!
Looks like one or more of us will be back there before we go home….
And tomorrow, Benny arrives: so looking forward to seeing him, it’s his first time in Colombia, and South America, I believe. God things are going to happen, as God has miraculously provided the means for him to be here.
And….finally tonight…. I still have to pinch myself, even after 49 visits, that I’m in Colombia, high up in the Andes, and having the utter blessing of seeing God move…..
Astonishing reflection….
As I went off to sleep last night, with my (usual!) difficulty at achieving that particular goal, I was thinking about the three meetings we’ve done here so far: My take on it is that AT LEAST 75% of the people we’ve prayed for have been healed, and all the ‘Christians-in-Waiting, as lovely Samuel Lamb in Guanzhou, China, called not-yet-Christians), have been saved… it is SUCH an immense privilege to be in meetings where God does ‘the stuff’ (John Wimber-ism there) and to be the fortunate, blessed geezer sitting listening to people pour out their hearts, their pain, personal things – and then seeing God invade every aspect of their lives.
Last night, for instance, people sat and wept as they talked about their pain, their families, their hurt: and left, healed, with hope, and laughing. It was an amazing church last night – if only because it was a ‘new’ one to me, with lovely, lovely pastors, in a tough situation, with circumstances all around them troubled, and mostly in extreme poverty. Such a blessing: thank you, Pastors Zamora and your lovely church, Iglesia AGC, Valle Grande, for allowing me, Chris, Katie, & Lee to have the privilege of being involved with you.
It’s always good for me, too, to bring people here, and for THEM to discover that praying for people in a couple of meetings in a day is totally, utterly exhausting, and draining. I try and explain that to people who’ve never done it, and the response is like ‘Oh yeah? That’s a breeze’…. last night, we were ALL mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physical worn out: but, good Colombia sausage, a beer or two, and friendship, are amazing aids to recovery!
….and Easter Sunday went on…..
…..though the evening meeting began at 5pm, in the depths of Agua Blanca – the poorest district of Cali, in a bario known as Valle Grande. I’d not been to the church before: we parked next to a stall of a man cooking and selling what we think were sausages on sticks: the church was upstairs, above a most delicious smelling bakery, so it was sensory heaven….we arrived only an hour and forty minutes late, which in Colombia would be the Brit equivalent of 10 minutes late(!), the worship, which had probably lasted since 5pm, was…er…loud, but, as always, God turned up.
All of us spoke, they survived my preaching, though the smell from the bakery and the sausage stall probably kept people there! The folk there were very responsive, though, which is blessing: and, as always again, loads of people came forward. We were all pretty much ‘occupied’ for an hour or more praying: Katie & I stayed together so I could translate. One of the first ladies was suffering from osteo arthritis, osteo parosis, and a very painful stomach disorder. She was healed, head to foot, instantly….
Many others testified to immediate healing, too: one of the ‘lovely’ one was a lady – we guessed in her late thirties – whose face was strained, and with such sadness ethced across it, suffering from sucidal depression. God wonderfully set her free from a spirit of death & suicide, and she was laughing by the end of our time praying with her.
God doing what God does best…..
FANTASTIC!! Easter Sunday, a full church, seeing miracle toddler Jose Luis & his dad and mum…. two ‘not-yet Christians’ gave their lives to Jesus, and a few people were healed… just wonderful!
Seeing little fella Jose Luis is a delight, as he has defied every deformity, infirmity, and prognosis since being miraculously healed 18 months back. Had a lovely hug and kiss from him! Dunia, my neurosurgeon friend, was translating: her lovely daughter, Nelly, too: prayed for Nelly in November last year, as she was scheduled for massive spinal surgery in December. Suffering from scoliosis, her spine was ‘s’ shaped – 42 degrees out in one direction and 27 in another. No surgery, but her spine has ‘moved’ 15 degrees in the right direction, so prayed for her again this morning: she said her back felt ‘fine’ afterwards, and her long-term stomach condition seems to have been healed, too.
One of the people who gave their life to Jesus this morning is Ana, Walter’s niece: she’s here in Cali for two months (only 2 weeks more) as she and her family live in Germany, and Walter’s been longing to see her saved! Lee and Katie sang a couple of songs, which were great (Lee did valiantly with a borrowed and not-too-splendid guitar!), I shared for a bit, then so did Chris, and then God moved in to what only he can do. We were all praying spearately for people, and
the other guys all reported that God did great things…. I love doing what I do…..:)
Back home here at 3.15 to cool off, change, and then off to another meeting for 5 pm….
That same power….that raised Jesus from the dead….
……was certainly in evidence tonight, at a meeting that came as a bit of a surprise to me, though with hindsight Walter had mentioned it at about 2am Thursday morning after I’d just arrived! I’ve been to this church – Hogar de Oracion Rey Jesus (Home of prayer King Jesus – doesn’t really translate, does it!) a good many times. Walter called at 4.20pm when we’d just got back in after…er….another steak restaurant (I didn’t eat, of course, I was fasting to make sure Jesus rose again tomorrow morning…!) to say the meeting began at 5pm. Which was kinda interesting, as Chris was due to land at 7.45pm in Cali airport, which is a good 40 minutes north of Cali on a good day.
The pastors, and many of that congregation, have become good friends over the years, and there have been a lot of healings too. But the power of the risen Jesus certainly turned up tonight. I preached on Romans 8:11, which is the verse in the header: the first lady for prayer had chronic arthritis in her back, hip, legs, and hands (erm, I empathise with that soooo much more these days!): all her pain went, her fingers straightened where the arthritis had started to deform the joints…. then a lady with 3 compacted discs, chronic back/leg pain as a result, felt what she described as a massive charge of lightning through her back, and all her pain went.
Then, as always these days, a man with a wrecked left knee (!): ripped anterior cruciate ligament, patella tendon, and no synovial fluid (why didn’t I enjoy this stuff I love now when I was doing Biology at school???), couldn’t bend his leg prior to prayer – then did…. I love it, as it feels like getting Satan by throat and poking his eyes out and kneeing him in the groin when knees get healed! Mine’s been absolutely chronic today, which doesn’t surprise me if God has THAT in store for that lovely bloke tonight.
A man with planta fasciitis (inflammation of the fascia, Katie’s just told me!) – extremely painful inflammation on the soles of the feet, by the heel – was healed instantly. No pain at all. Thank you, Lord! A lady who has just been through a divorce, and wanted her ‘mind and heart right with God’ left looking like all her Christmases had come at once: carrying the guilt and stigma of divorce, which she found unbearable, and it’s no small thing, especially in Latino countries.
And so it went on… Lee and Katie were praying with people individually, too, so we ended up praying for loads of people. Then Lee, and translator Hanny & her fiance Carlos, headed off in a rush, late, to pick Chris up from the airport, only to find his flight into Bogotá was late and he’d missed his connection, so, we’re hoping and praying he’ll be in on the 9.50pm flight instead….
Thursday night, when Lee & Katie arrived, they were totally cream-crackered and starving, so we came back to the apartment: Walter had wanted me to go to the big prayer vigil in the stadium, taking the guys with me, and all their luggage. Chose not to, as they were so tired, and then Walter told me tonight that he’d got me a 15-20 minute slot to speak AT that meeting, with 40,000 – but ‘never mind, you’ll get 30 minutes next year’…. hmmm. Apparently, it WAS an great day/night, though.
Busy day tomorrow: only two meetings, but we never get away from Walter’s church very early, and ‘Fontanelle boy’ (Jose Luis) and his family are there….then a meeting at a much bigger new church at 5 pm, so that probably means 10 pm by the time we’re home. I’m glad we had a calm couple of days! Poor Chris, though: he’ll have been in transit for about 64 hours by the time he gets here, and I’ve told him already he can preach in the morning, and Walter wants him, Lee, and Katie to sing…. think I’ll pass on that one!
What all good Christians should be doing…. ;)
Anyone who has travelled a lot, and had the ‘privilege’ of their luggage not arriving, or arriving damaged, will appreciate this….from one of the current batch of wonderfully insightful comedians who find the funniest things in life! This is my (half) compatriot, Welshman Rhod Gilbert (my dad was Welsh)…