Wow…. it’s like Christmas here today! After 2½ weeks of having to take my laptop to McDonalds (thank you, McD’s for free wi-fi!!), I’ve got internet where I’m living here in Romania!! Yeahhh!! Feels like the shackles have come off, especially as my laptop battery is completely shot, and, when fully charged, completely runs out in about 55 minutes… :(. But, no more! I’m plugged in, switched on… It’s been a good trip here, so totally different to Colombia, (where, as I haven’t been able to update my diary on the website, you might think I am!). I’m NOT in Colombia, for those who missed any of the last couple of months’ saga, because the advice of my doctor was not to do any long-haul flights at least until the new yer, after my (massive) pulmonary embolisms of 9 weeks ago… I’m still taking copious amounts of rat poison (Warfarin) each day, to keep my blood thin and un-clottable (yeah, I know, I’m a clot!!): and if you don’t know, long distance flying is a major cause of deep vein thrombosis – blood clots in the legs – so it does seem sensible to listen to the medics, especially as I have so many options of places to go, a lot nearer home! Like Romania…. ….if you know me well, you’ll know that Romania has been high on my list of places to minister from the day of the massive revolution they had here on December 16th, 1989. From that event, God gripped my heart and spirit with this country, and within 4 weeks of the Ceausescu’s execution, on Christmas Day, ’89, I was here with many trucks with supplies that Romania needed desperately. I fell in love with the country: it is breathtakingly beautiful in many parts, and with unbelievable ‘grinding’ poverty and tragedy in others. My ‘ministry’ here has been – in the early days – with small churches in rural areas – and for the last goodness-knows-how-long, more on a one-to-one level with individuals. This trip is in the latter camp, and it’s been good and profitable so far. To minimise the travelling, I’ve been here 2½ weeks, and have about the same period to go. But… ….I have a clear sense that, having had a 4 year ‘sabbatical’ from Romania, up until September this year, that God wants me here more often. I’m still waiting to hear from him what ‘more often’ means! Highly respected – and accurate – prophet, Chuck Pierce, had this word to say today: