Wow…. it’s like Christmas here today! After 2½ weeks of having to take my laptop to McDonalds (thank you, McD’s for free wi-fi!!), I’ve got internet where I’m living here in Romania!! Yeahhh!! Feels like the shackles have come off, especially as my laptop battery is completely shot, and, when fully charged, completely runs out in about 55 minutes… :(. But, no more! I’m plugged in, switched on… It’s been a good trip here, so totally different to Colombia, (where, as I haven’t been able to update my diary on the website, you might think I am!). I’m NOT in Colombia, for those who missed any of the last couple of months’ saga, because the advice of my doctor was not to do any long-haul flights at least until the new yer, after my (massive) pulmonary embolisms of 9 weeks ago… I’m still taking copious amounts of rat poison (Warfarin) each day, to keep my blood thin and un-clottable (yeah, I know, I’m a clot!!): and if you don’t know, long distance flying is a major cause of deep vein thrombosis – blood clots in the legs – so it does seem sensible to listen to the medics, especially as I have so many options of places to go, a lot nearer home! Like Romania…. ….if you know me well, you’ll know that Romania has been high on my list of places to minister from the day of the massive revolution they had here on December 16th, 1989. From that event, God gripped my heart and spirit with this country, and within 4 weeks of the Ceausescu’s execution, on Christmas Day, ’89, I was here with many trucks with supplies that Romania needed desperately. I fell in love with the country: it is breathtakingly beautiful in many parts, and with unbelievable ‘grinding’ poverty and tragedy in others. My ‘ministry’ here has been – in the early days – with small churches in rural areas – and for the last goodness-knows-how-long, more on a one-to-one level with individuals. This trip is in the latter camp, and it’s been good and profitable so far. To minimise the travelling, I’ve been here 2½ weeks, and have about the same period to go. But… ….I have a clear sense that, having had a 4 year ‘sabbatical’ from Romania, up until September this year, that God wants me here more often. I’m still waiting to hear from him what ‘more often’ means! Highly respected – and accurate – prophet, Chuck Pierce, had this word to say today:
Category Archives: Personal
The best laid plans… Romania, here I come again!
Where did that expression come from? ‘The bets laid plans of mice and men…’? Comedian Eddie Izzard does a very sketch about it….
One of the things I’ve tried to learn over the years is to be ready when God suddenly seems to come up with a change of direction, and to be ready to move where he seems to be redirecting me. You don’t need me to tell you (if you’re a regular blog reader) how much I love Colombia! Originally, in 12 days from now, I’d have been planning the final bits of the trip to one of my favourite places on earth. I’d got a nice ‘team’ pretty much ‘inked’ in for the trip: I love to travel with a team, or at least one other person, for a variety of reasons – including haring the preaching, the praying, and I love to ‘drop people in it’ to do things they’ve never done, to find that they can!
So, a few weeks ago, I ‘lost’ three people who were ‘certainties’ for Cali: three weeks isn’t enough time to replace them, for such a duration – work, university commitments, family commitments, etc – and my dear friend Simon was only going for a week. I recognise that I’m still recovering from the trauma of my pulmonary embolism, its apped so much strength and energy out of me, my doctors would ‘prefer’ that I didn’t take any long-haul flights until the new year…
So…Simon is going alone, as I last heard: he’s only going to be in Cali for a week, and I tried and tried to get people who have expressed a desire to come, but drew blanks. God seemed, er, reticent to provide the airfare (around £1200 for 7-8 days, plus accommodation, wasn’t an amount I could conjure up from nothing…so, I’ve pulled out of Colombia myself, for this particular trip, and my Simon will go one his own for that week.
But God already had it covered in that my ‘new’ door to Romania well and truly opened last month, and I’m going there instead, probably for 5-6 weeks, starting today! I head over to England this afternoon, and fly to Romania tomorrow. It was good, I know, to have a four-year break from going to that lovely country, and to go to a different city was like seeing the Romania I fell in love with almost 25 years ago. So, no ‘miracle’ blogs from Colombia, but hopefully, so lovely stories to tell from somewhere a bit closer to home – and with no long flights to ‘disturb’ the healing process in my body – just a one-stop, approximately 4 hour (total) flight, which feels good to me and sounds good to the doctor!
God loves Normandy….and Romania! And I love both, too.. :)
As you know, I’m not one for posting a great deal of trite (tripe??!) information on Facebook, or here, hence the ‘silence’ again and lack of blog posts… not because I can’t be bothered, it’s just that I’m fairly sure you don’t want to know what I had for lunch, or how many times I went to the loo , or other such world-changing information…. 🙂
So, I’m sort of ‘back in harness’ now, after the traumas of late August, and my hospitalisation after the delightful pulmonary embolism saga….I THOUGHT I might be in action in Romania, but in truth, it turned out to be a very necessary couple of weeks doing very little, necessary in the ‘recuperation’ after the lung problem, and that, according my doctor’s advice, must continue for a few more weeks yet. Actually, I didn’t realise just how much the ‘saga’ took out of me, in terms of physical and mental energy and strength: it was only when I truly ‘stopped’ that I realised how weak I was: without wanting to over-dramatise anything, the doctors in hospital DID tell me I was ‘very, very lucky’ to be alive, and, talking to other medics, and other people, now recognise that those first few days were a very real ‘fight’ to stay alive. Being just a little more sensible than I used to be, I know that I need to treat my body with a little more tender, loving care even for the next few weeks…
So, in Romania, I was grateful to find that, actually, the people I went to had recognised that, too: and apart from a few small meetings, and a few one-to-one prayer/ministry sessions, the bulk of the time was – recuperation…. and I’m back there for more next week, ahead of going to Colombia – praying hard for the airfare for that, as I’ve not been able to preach and receive any preaching gifts for some months now….
Right now, though, I’m in France – having just finished a weekend with the wonderful ‘L’Eglise de la Source’ church in Lisieux, in wonderful Normandy. I’m here with dear friends Dennis & Cathy Acott, from Maidstone, and we’ve had the privilege of seeing God do some lovely, lovely things since Friday evening. More of that in a moment though, as I want to say how wonderfully we’ve been looked after whilst we’ve been here. We’re staying some distance out from Lisieux, at the home/ministry centre of a wonderful couple, Jean-Michel & Brigitte Bourgois. Their home is in a tiny village, Morsan, and is just amazing. It’s a large country house, with a number of gites – Dennis & Cathy are in one, I’m in another – and whilst the weekend has been busy, wonderfully blessed by God, effective – it’s been very tiring, too, as we’ve prayed with many people – this home has been like paradise to return to. Thank you, Francis & Diane Dognon (Leaders of the church) and Jean-Michel & Brigitte, for making this visit so wonderful….
Friday, Dennis drove us from Maidstone to Lisieux, via the ferry, which made a lovely change from the tunnel! The first meeting we effectively went straight into, a home group of dear friends Rene & Liza, and about a dozen or more people. I spoke, as Dennis had driven, though both he and Cathy introduced themselves: and then God turned up as only He can, and I think I can safely say that everyone who was prayed for was healed…. everything from minor pains to IBS to carpal tunnel syndrome to circulation problems, and it was a time of real blessing, and set the tone for the rest of the weekend.
Trying to FIND Jean-Michel & Brigitte’s home in the dark (we left the homegroup at 11.30 pm) was another issue altogether! The sat-nav/gps told us one thing, instructions over the phone when we were hopelessly ‘Bonnie Tyler’ed'(!! – ‘Lost in France, for those of a certain age or more!! – no, not ‘Totally Eclipsed of the heart’!!). FINALLY, at just before 2 am, we arrived…. to discover heaven on earth….
Fortunately, Saturday’s meetings were scheduled to begin at 2 pm, so we could have a lay-in and late breakfast, before attacking the baguette with my usual gusto, only to discover there was no baguette Saturday, but some beautiful brioche instead, and glorious home-made plum jam… hard life, eh?
Dennis and Cathy took the first sessions Saturday afternoon: yours truly filing the last slot, and the ministry time was, again, wonderful, with most, if not all, being healed. Torn shoulder muscles, supra-spinatus tendon problems, yes- osteoarthritic knees being instantly healed (I prayed for three ‘sets’ of knees and a single knee: I believe D&C had more!), heart problems were healed, major long-term back problems, there was as always some uneven length legs to ‘even up’, and a good deal of depression was lifted… it’s probably true to say, again, that just about everyone who came for healing was healed… Dennis and Cathy are brilliant at inner-healing issues (we work well as a team here, as I – to be honest – don’t have the patience to spend a long time with people who need a lot of counselling, whereas Cathy has endless patience, and Dennis is great, in those (and other) situations, at getting words of knowledge. There were many more physical issues healed, but it’s amazing how quickly they go from your mind once you’ve moved on to the next person. I’ll ask Dennis and Cathy to remind me, and I’ll post some more here….
Sunday . they spoke in the small town of Combon, a new church being planted by Francis & Diane, and were very blessed to be there. I spoke at another new church, slightly more established, in Beuzeville, close to the fabulous town of Honfleur. Again, just about everyone respinde to the offer for prayer for healing, and again, just about everyone received healing… it’s SUCH an immense privilege to be on the ‘sharp end’ of what God wants to do in people’s lives, and to see their faces, bodies and lives change as God invades them with his love and healing power…
The afternoon was in the packed church ‘La Source’: we all spoke again, and were then besieged for the next 2¼ hours by people who needed healing, including some who’d been prayed for for different things in previous meetings! Knees healed, shoulders, backs, stomachs, circulation…. so, so much was done by the Holy Spirit in those hours: and people who responded to what I shared about being ‘re-positioned’ by God, who just want more and more of him….
Today is a free day, then the drive back to Calais in the morning, and my own flight back to Ireland on Wednesday: just for a few days, before heading back to Romania again on Sunday, all being well, and finances permitting! – it’s been great to be back in Romania after a 4 year absence, and I have a sense that it’s going to feature considerably in the coming months in my diary. The recent visit was my 128th time time there (yes, you did read that right!!), and, if it is to become somewhere where I might even be based for ‘blocks’ of time, I’d value your prayers where learning the language is concerned(!!) – not the easiest of languages to master: and if it is to be for longer periods of time, your prayers for accommodation costs would be appreciated!
Please, if you pray for me, continue to pray for a complete return of strength and energy – no, please pray for even GREATER strength and energy! – that I had prior to the embolism…more to follow from here, I’m sure, and Romania, too….
I have written (almost) daily blogs up until 21 July, with lots of stories of miracles, healings, and salvation. It was around this time that I asked Carly, Grace, Pete, and Caroline to just write down a Christian name and the condition that – in the main – were instantly healed… or miracled…I have to get miracle into the dictionary, as it’s a lovely concise way of saying ‘healings, those who received a miracle…’!!
And these are just SOME – a sample, if you will, of what God did…. there are also a number of testimony videos, I’ll put them all here, but they are on YouTube, here:
In yesterday’s blog, I mentioned the amazing testimony of Astrid, who didn’t come for prayer for healing this time I went to the church she attends, with Pete, but to say thank you, for her healing from terminal cancer, in April…the 7th time God has healed her of cancer through prayer… God’s just amazing… but I’d still love an answer to unanswered question – why are some healed – multiple times, like Astrid, and others not healed: some who have gone to be with Jesus, some who are fighting and praying, and being prayed for, who just don’t SEEM to be healed…? I guess we’ll only
know in Heaven, and then we won’t be bothered by the question at all!
I’ll start with Jonny, a young man (20’s) who is a BMX bike racer. He’d come off his bike, and totally smashed his ankle. Under anesthetic, the surgeon had blessed him with a steel plate, 8-10 cms long, and six steel screws to hold it in place. I was with Pete when we – rather, Pete – prayed for him, and much more than ever used to do, I ask people what they feel – could be heat, burning, pins and needles: always a good sign that God’s at work if they didn’t have those sensations before being prayed for….so I asked Jonny. He’d felt heat, so I asked him could he feel the plate and screws before he was prayed for. Yes, the screws especially, actually caused ‘bumps’ in his skin. Could he feel them now? Bearing in mind that they stood ‘proud’ from his ankle, it was a relatively easy ‘feel’ – but he just kept searching and searching for the screws, and the plate. The screws had gone, and his description was that the plate just felt like flesh… he was totally blown away, as was Pete, and even though I’ve experienced steel dissolving before, I’ll never (I pray, God) get ‘used’ to miracles, and I was a blessed as they were… it was a VERY loud church, but I did manage to get a video testimony from Jonny straight after his miracle. It’s here:
The names won’t mean anything to you, of course, but it does give the healing or miracle a little more credibilty. So, Gloria was healed of arthrosis (osteoarthritis) in both knees (now, where have heard THAT before!!): Lorena had a ‘shopping list’ of illnesses – liver problems, high blood pressure, extreme pain in her bones, and her back was very painful – everything changed in an instant. Marisol had a skin condition, like acute eczema, which was visibly healed. Patricia was healed instantly from very painful gastritis, and asthma. Alba was healed of severe pain in her hips and legs. RoseAlba was healed – as in all pain gone! – of arthritis in her knees (!), hands, and many other joints in her body. Andres (at last a man!!) had been suffering from depression a long time, and it showed in his face, especially his eyes: he felt the whole weight of the ‘lost’ years lifted off him, and his eyes changed – another good sign that God’s done something significant!
Julian was healed of a heart condition (my non-medic guess would be tachicardia…
Rather than list endless names, which wil mean nothing to you, here’s a summary of what God did:
- Two people with long-term Parkinson’s disease were healed instantly as Carly prayed for them
- Countless healings of knees, especially osteoarthritis, but also torn ACLs, ripped cartilage, one man with major problems caused by surgery to put right a torn cartilage.. he was walking, kneeling, squatting, crawling…
- Hundreds of people with high blood pressure healed
- liver conditions healed
- one lady with a bad skin condition from birht, was heled on the spot
- countless gut and stomach issues, from a myriad gastritis, to colitis, IBS, and other colonic problems
- countless asthmas healed – people GO to church in the middle of an asthma attack so God can heal them, rather than miss church BECAUSE they have an attack…
- as always, a myriad back issues were healed
- hip and pelvic issues – gone, pain-free
- a lady with a permanently bent finger watched it straighten: and she could use her hand properly for the first time in many years
- depression lifting – visibly and tangibly
- countless eye problems healed – near blindness restored, cataracts, myopia (and a more extreme form of myopia the name of which escapes me at the moment!)
- teeth and gum issues healed
- other heart conditions resolved
- one lady – with face, throat, knee, finger, head, and ear issues was healed on the spot
- countless migraines – see asthma, above!!!
- a lay, Angelica, was healed of neuritis – 8 months ago when I prayed for her
- one man, with numbnes and acute pain from a stroke was healed
- anaemia
- countless diabetics – many who came to other meetings to say their blood sugar levels were completely normal
- hernias were healed
- abcesses went
- varicose veins healed
- ulcerated legs healed visibly
- lung conditions
- kidney issues
- pancreatic problems healed
- a lady with twisted ovaries, in muchpain, was healed
- ovarian abcesses went
- countless circulation problems healed
- deteriorating eyes and ears were healed
A different sort of miracle happened when Pete prayed for a lady, who through a business failure, owed her bank CO Pesos 24,000,000 (about £8000, US$12500, AUD13,500) – probably 4-5 years salary for average Colombians, only had 2,000,000. She offered it to the bank in settlement, which, as you’d expect of a bank, they declined… Pete prayed for one Sunday: Monday, the bank phoned her, to accept her 2,000,000. That’d be a miracle HERE in the UK: you need to know the culture a little to know how EXTREME a miracle that is in Latin America…
And, my lovely friend, Daniella, who was healed in November of acute flat feet, a terrible degenerating eye condition, and healed in the middle of an acute asthma attack, 13 years old then, 14 now, helped me pray for people in her own church again… the first 6 who came, she prayed for, and ALL were instantly healed… my own personal joy at seeing not only the guys I took with me, pray for miracles and healings on an unprecedented (for them) scale, but to see local young teens, praying for, and seeing God do, awesome miracles, is immense…
My lovely team went three times to ‘Reconocer’, the Christian drug rehab centre, run by my lovely long-time friend Enrique Leal. Some of the residents gave their lives to the Lord: others healed, and you really have to GO to Reconocer, to experience the tangible presence of God in that house – formerly owned and occupied by the Rodriguez brothers, the second largest cartel in history (after Pablo Eascobar). How’s that for a story of redemption…?
And – on a day at the river at Pance, Pete was baptised: a life-changing memorable event in his life….
And I can’t NOT mention my great friend, Dario, and his wife Erica: and their two lovely children, Michelle, and Joshua.. It was a great joy to see a lot of them this past trip. They are growing in faith in huge leaps and bounds, and I went on this past trip asking God to give me the opportunity of talking to them about God’s PROVISION and PROTECTION…. God’s good at answering prayers, as Dario – totally healed from his surgeries now – asked me questions about both subjects, and then asked for prayer for
the whole family for both… we had the delight of two visits to his ‘high in the mountains’ finca (country estate), with many people from his family there: all of them sick, or with physical issues. EVERY ONE OF THEM WAS HEALED…. near the end of the trip, Dario came off his motorbike, arrived at the apartment covered in nasty grazes (riding motorbikes there is like dicing with death: and most wear t-shirts and shorts… putting his gun on the coffee table, he happily let me clean up the wounds with Savlon, and put plasters on… it all just seemed so surreal! Even joking with him that one of the wounds was a bullet hole and the Savlon and a plaster wouldn’t help that….
Hos brother, sister-in-law, mum Lileana, and various other family members, were all healed by God. But what got me the most, is that the first English Dario has ‘mastered’ is… ‘I love you Paul. You are always in my heart’…. you can probably imagine what the both did – and meant – to me… He’s gradually withdrawing – it has to be gradual – from many of his ‘businesses’, and is learning more and more about God, it seems on a daily basis….
AMAZING GRACE, AMAZING GOD, AMAZING LOVE – and an irritant named Satan….
My sincere apologies at not blogging for a few days. Many reasons, not the least of which has been extreme exhaustion at the end of the day, with countless numbers of people both prayed for, healed, or the happy recipients of a miracle – and there have been quite a few of those…. When you get Caleños – people of Cali – saying that weather is very hot, then you know it’s just not us pasty, sunlight-stricken Brits, for the most time, that are finding it draining. Generally, at this time of year, the mid-afternoon temperatures are 28-32C. This time, they’ve averaged around the 36-38C mark. Not a huge difference, you might think, until you come to do anything. Normally by now – 2 weeks into a trip to Cali, I’m pretty well adapted, and not finding it a hard to keep moving. This time, it’s a whole new ball game!
There are other contributing factors to the lack of blogs. I can’t go into any detail, obviously (as you’ll see why when you finish this paragraph!), but a ‘situation’ arose during the April visit which was, to say the very least, unfortunate, one that should never have happened, and, I pray, never happens again. No details, sorry, but a church in this lovely south-west part of Colombia, has ended up devastated, it’s like a human earthquake hit the church, and it’s going to take a long time for that church – to recover. As the ‘leader’ of the teams that I bring here, I felt I needed to do two things: firstly, to apologise to my dear friend, Pastor William Castaño, who organises much of my (excellently and packed) programme here, and to offer not to return here again myself, or with teams, as ultimately I’m responsible, having invited people to join me, even though the actions of others can never be accounted for. Secondly, to see the Pastor of the church, with William, and Pastor Wilmar Gomez, to offer the deepest apologies possible, and I made the same offer to him, to step away from Colombia.
William nailed his colours to the mast, on my account, by asking me to speak that morning, before going to the church, to a fantastic group of pastors. For me, it was such a blessing, to know that a man of William’s stature in the Christian world here and in other parts of South and Central America, effectively ‘endorsed’ me. It was a great way to begin what were going to be a tough few hours. There must have been 25 pastors present: Wilmar translated for me, and prayed, as we saw God instantly heal about a dozen of them, from osteoarthritic knees, backs, ankles: carpal tunnel syndrome: chronic back pain, and all the usual suspects….
Then to the church: the first little while was tough, the sorrow and devastation of the Pastor & his wife, evident in their faces. I did the only things I could do, as I’d done with William. Both were graciously considered, and no, I didn’t need to quit as the situation appeared so cut and dry. It was with a huge sigh of relief that I sat in the back of William’s car on the way home, and sadness both for the victims of the situation – the church – and got those involved in it. I’d only heard from Wilmar about this situation the night before I flew to Cali.
In the last blog, I mentioned I’d had – or rather, my amazing team had mentioned – a strange ‘turn’ that I’d had last Friday. Subsequent conversations with my dear friend, Lee Collier, who’s been here two or three times before with me, and is a doctor – as his his wife Katy – suggested something different: Lee was concerned enough to ring, and, actually, Id wondered the same thing as the ‘turn’ was happening: to suggest it just MIGHT have been a TIA (transient ischaemic attack – a mini stroke…. I haven’t yet checked it out with a doctor, and nothing even remotely similar has happened since…..but it was most definitely an attack of the enemy, to rock the boat even more than it had been rocked by the events of April. Sleep became an increasingly distant friend as my head could not put the April situation down (I slept 29 hours in my first 14 days here), it was, although resolved with the necessary people, it still ran around in my head… I do think now, in the light of sleeplessness, heat, and ‘busy-ness’, along with an enemy who is not in the least pleased with what God’s doing here, that everything combined together to try and ‘side-line’ me. I ain’t having that!!!
I want to say more about this amazing team I’ve got here this time in another blog, but I am absolutely blown away by who they are, how they’ve been, what they’ve done, and their sheer adaptability not only to an ‘alien’ city, the heat, and the altitude, but to what God is doing in them and through them. I’m blessed, as always, to have great people with me!
Oh yes… nearly forgot… the old weight is still continuing, after 45 years of failed diets, to still fall off me….! 37 kgs, a tad under 6 stone in proper money: the heat’s combining with every else to do me a favour!! Yeahhh!!!
Weird and (not so) wonderful…!
Yesterday, we were due to go to a very poor part of the city, where there’s a large community of street people, all alcoholics, druggies, etc… I’ve been before, a lovely lady doctor, Ana Bustos, takes food to them every Friday. Sadly there was confusion over just where it was.. all the streets here are numbered, ‘streets’ (calles) go one way, and roads (carreras) the other. And many are very, very long…. so it’s pretty inportant not to get yer calles and carreras wrong! Yesterday, it happened: we SHOULD have been directed to Calle 44 with Carrera 2da. Instead, the guys got taken to Carrera 44 with Calle 2 – a totally different part of the city….
BUT… they went to ‘Reconocer’, the Christian Drug Rehab centre, run by my good friend Enrique Leal. I’d planned for just Caroline and the Irish guys to go, and they had a great time, praying for all of the ‘recoverees’, one who gave his life to Jesus. Reconocer is a wonderful place (formerly a house owned by the Rodriguez brothers, the second largest cartel in the world at the time, now ‘redeemed’ as a drug centre!). Enrique loves the residents with a passion, and the presence of God in that house is tangible. My little team of troupers loved it….
Then, home: it’s been blisteringly hot here this trip, and, though I drink litres of water a day here, last night was a bit odd…. I’ll let the guys write the next bit, as I really don’t recall much of it….
On our arrival home we were excited to tell Paul about our time at the rehab, although as he approached the sitting area we were unsure what was going on as he seemed to be staggering towards us rather than walking. His first sentence was more of a blubber, and sounded something along the lines of ‘asdfghj’ (if you try to pronounce it – it’s probably similar to what Paul said) in response we all erupted into laughter, after his second and third attempt to speak we laughed so much we were almost crying. However, soon after we began to wonder if something was wrong or if Paul was drunk, and the laughter faded. Grace and Pete were convinced Paul was having a stroke, and we all began to worry, but still giggling in between the laughter. I suggested Pete should get Paul a drink of water and when he went into give Paul the drink he appeared to be asleep on a little wooden chair, and again he said ‘tgjhv’ at which Pete laughed and handed him the water, the change was almost instant and it became clear that Paul was neither drunk or having a stroke, but was in fact just dehydrated, PHEW!
I drank water during the day… but never would I have believed that dehydration would hit so quickly or so bizarrely….. never been dehydrated before, hope never to be again!
Wonderful news from Ana Beiba, Cali – The Home for Abandoned Old People
Well, I’ve been quiet here for a few days, partly because of the travelling, and that awful task known as ‘packing’! Even after 30 years, although I must be quite ‘professional’ at it by now, I hate it to bits! Unpacking this end is almost as bad! I’m one of those strange people who have to unpack as soon as I arrive, or arrive home, no matter what time of day or night it is. Once that’s done, I can begin to feel at home! I’m going to split the blog into two parts – so you don’t have too long a ‘tome’ to read. Thank you for reading it, by the way! I certainly don’t take your interest, prayers, and encouragement, for granted.
So, just before I left Ireland last Thursday evening, I had a wonderful piece of news about the lovely Ana Beiba, who, I probably don’t need to say, runs the home for abandoned old people. If you read the blog in April when I was here, you’ll remember that she had been diagnosed a second time with cancer – first time was when I met her almost 3 years ago, then with 2 months to live: a brain tumour, which, as I and my little team prayed for her, she felt it go…. 2½ years on, it is back, not a brain tumour, but cancer of the oesophagus and throat. She looked very ill, had lost a lot of weight, and, of course, her voice (which she uses for spontaneous worship to God a great deal, and very loud!) was hard to hear.
The same thing happened: she felt the tumour on her oesophagus go, and the cancer in her throat leave….. last week, she received the results of a most recent scan/tests,
and there’s no cancer there…. while rejoicing for Ana, and having seen quite a few healings from cancer this year, even after all of these years I still have unanswered questions to God as to why others don’t…. thinking especially of a lovely friend, David, who is a walking miracle, but still has the foul disease the enemy’s dumped on him….I so believe that David WILL be… IS being healed, but….. answers on the back of a postage stamp, please, as there aren’t any I can think of…..
Then, having flown into Heathrow Thursday night, my lovely friends Keith & Margaret, and I, waited for Margrethe, from Norway to arrive, as she is part of my team here in Cali. About an hour after her flight landed and baggage was up, she walked through into arrivals. One miracle happened in that hour: poor Margrethe had picked up her out-of-date passport, and somehow was allowed into England by immigration. But that meant, of course, that she was scuppered from flying with me to Cali early Friday morning. Keith and Margaret went with her to the Norwegian Embasy Friday: no joy other than offering her one flight, and that back to Oslo. A friend in Norway has posted her current one to England, but, as yet (Monday night my time) it hasn’t yet arrived. God willing, tomorrow, Tuesday, meaning she can fly Wednesday.
A second miracle, a little more ‘hidden’ and unexpected HAD already happened, though. You might remember a few weeks ago my credit card was fraudulently used, which meant a 5 working day delay in buying the tickets to Cali, the time it took the bank to clear my card back to zero. When they finally did, the tickets I’d found had gone: and they cost £400 more, each: I was getting Margrethe’s as she’d wired her fare to me. Having snarled and mildly cursed the delay by the bank, there was no option BUT to pay the increased price. One of my team, Caroline, from Rouen, France, was already here, and it’d have been a little mean to leave her here alone, though she’s fluent in Spanish and has taken to Colombia like a duck to water (she’s a Spanish teacher in France). BUT….the delay, and the increase, meant Margrethe and I had moved from basic ‘no change/refund/transfer’ tickets, to flexible ones: which means that, having phoned the airline at 1 am Friday morning, to pull her off the flight, she can use it any day in the next year!
Grateful for small – perhaps at £1300+ for the ticket, not so small! – mercies, or what??!!
Alive & kicking….and God’s still doing miracles….in England!!
My apologies to anyone who has missed my blogs for a couple of weeks – apologies to both of you! ;-). One of the many things God has wanted me to learn in recent months and years, is this amazing thing called ‘rest’: I’ve said here before, I’m sure, that I didn’t really know what real rest was, I certainly had an inability to do it, thinking that it was a couple of days of only doing stuff at home before heading off again.
God beat me up over that one! I’ve had to ask him to teach me how to rest, showing me that it’s much more than sitting down for five minutes, pausing a dvd to go and do something else, returning to the dvd for 10 minutes before doing something else. You probably all know this, it’s only me – but having begun to learn the resting process, and its benefits, I have to say, I’ve never felt better in myself for many, many years. What’s more, every trip has been better and better, as I don’t begin it exhausted…. my greatest concern, as a life-long poor sleeper, was that, if I couldn’t sleep when I was so, so tired, how on earth would I sleep if I wasn’t tired. I’ve slept better this past year than at any time in my life.
So these few days, coming back from a busy, wonderful, whistle-stop tour of south east England, I’ve managed to keep pretty much ‘sacrosanct’…. My little study/office is upstairs, but of course with wi-fi, you can take your gadgets anywhere. I’ve learned to leave everything upstairs, so that when my phone rings, or Outlook makes a noise to say there’s new emails, I can’t hear it…. it’s wonderful! My landline phone is downstairs, but there’s this wonderful ‘filter’ called caller display and answering machines, my great mate Colin Enticknap often rings, and says, ‘So it seems the drawbridge is up again!’.
In England, I preached a few times – all really, really lovely meetings, and then I did something I should have done many times over the years, and intend to repeat it a few times a year now, as it was such a blessing. That was to start to visit people whom I know pray for me often: without them, I’d be completely powerless, and to visit people who support me, so that it isn’t just ‘newsletter & blog’ information for all of them. It gave me a chance to pray with them, too, and I was blessed out of my boots by everyone I saw. I’ll be doing it again, so if you didn’t see me last week, and would love a ‘catch-up’, send me an email, or a Facebook private message (not the profile/news feed!!), and I’ll sort something out with you. Guess the next trip will be the south and south-west, as logistically it’s difficult to go from Devon to Kent to Cornwall!!. Last week was also a lot of driving – I did over 1200 miles, but it was so worth it.
Some of the people I’d sort of allocated an amount of time I thought they’d a) want to see me for, b) only have time for, in a busy diary, and c) have other things crop up that would possibly shorten any longer time. Some, for whom I’d thought an hour/hour and a half – turned into 6-7 hours, so I think they were happy I was there!!
So, from Friday June 13, it was people…. lovely, long-time (30 years) friend Mary Long: it was Mary, and her recently gone to be his dad husband Denys, who were so wonderful during – and in the 29 years since – my time at a ministry training school, which is where we meet. Mary is just short of 90: one of those ‘breed’ of intercessors it is getting harder and harder to find. Then to Eastbourne, Addlestone, Bolney, Worthing, Maidstone, Pembury, Tonbridge, Cornwall, West Hoathly, Crawley, Worthing again, Eastbourne again, and back to Addlestone, where I leave my ‘England’ car, to fly back back on the first flight Tuesday morning.
It was – for me, and I hope the people there! – lovely to speak at King’s Church, Addlestone, led by my lovely friends Richard and Louise Fox. I’ve been involved with them since around 1986: it blows my mind to think I’ve known the church 28 years, and they STILL want me back! :). A few came forward to ask for prayer for healing: Mike Tricker, who got saved THROUGH Facebook after conversations with my my friend Hugh Southon (all you ‘anti social network people take note!! – I’ve prayed, in writing, for people on Facebook and Skype, and they’ve been healed), had only been a Christian 5 weeks. Deaf in one ear, only 40% hearing in the other, began a process of healing (we all want to se the instant miracle, but God doesn’t always do it that way) that will continue: here’s what he wrote to me:
- Paul since our prayer I think my ear has got a bit better and my thinking a about it a 100 times better
Clear thinking, and a measure of healing have got to be worthwhile! A lady, Marjorie, had long-time chronic back pain from half way down her back to her pelvis. I think at first she was reticent to say it had gone in case it came back(!), but later on, she told me the pain had gone completely.
I won’t go through a list of all the people I saw – it’d mean nothing to 99% of you! – but the opportunity to pray again for my lovely friends David & Gail, David with cancer everywhere (he’s a doctor, so it must be so much worse to know what’s going on, and to – taking God out of the equation – what happens next. I love David & Gail dearly, and I’m still praying, even more since the joy of spending more time with you than we’ve ever had! A lovely lady, Barbara, also with cancer, came to their home: and I think we’re all in faith – and believing – that she WILL be totally restored.
I spent some lovely time with Martin & Dave, Elders of The Vine Church, Maidstone: it was good to get to know them better, and Martin & I, along with my great mate Brian Louden, who’s in their church, went to pray for Will, a 9 year old with really serious Class 1 diabetes. The faith level, as we prayed, was high: and wait to see what God did, but more, what he is doing, and what he does….
Seeing my sister and brother in law, Vivien and Derek, was lovely: it’s worth the drive to almost as far as you can go in Cornwall to see them. My concerns about holiday traffic and Cornwall (notoriously famous!) were unfounded: as was my thought that it was the Glastonbury Rock Festival weekend. that WOULD have been a nightmare on the the A303!! It’s this weekend, fortunately!
On to West Sussex, to some of my best friends anywhere – Nick & Sarah Harding (the ones who named their second son Ralph Bennison Harding, last year: well, in middle
English, and in French – the verb benir – Benison means blessing…. a lovely thought, but doubtless inappropriate where I’m concerned!!). Nick had got their pastor, a great guy, Phil Johnston, to invite me to preach at their church, Crawley Elim. A wonderful church, fantastic worship, the presence of God there in bucketloads, naff preacher, but God still deigned to turn up for the ministry time…. he’s so faithful to me…. loads of people came forward for prayer. People play tricks on the pray-er, as they sit where they were until the queue’s almost gone, then come and bump it back to a large number again! Just as you think you’re almost through, you get a double blessing! I prayed for so many, three who testified in the evening to being healed (and a lot who didn’t testify!) – to be perfectly honest, there were so many I can’t remember what I prayed, and for who….. if you read this, and you were healed, can you tell me your story in a Facebook message or email, and whether or not you’d be willing to let me put it on here, and in the testimonies page, please? Nick, Sarah, Phil….if you know of anyone, let me know, would you?
The meeting had begun at 11 am, and I left the church with dear Phil, his lovely wife Elaine, and Nick, at 4.15 pm…. to be back there at 7 pm, for a specially organised and advertised healing meeting. The church was, again, pretty full, but I was blessed that some great praying friends – Sasha, Brian, Myrtle, Alex, Karla, Dave & Carol…and any I’ve missed out!… had come, so the praying ‘load’ was lightened as they, and people from the church, prayed. Many were healed, including a couple, Rod and Laura, not-yet-convinced-Christians, the mum and step dad of Christine, one of the brilliant group of people Phil has got together: her husband, Paul, is one of the worship
leaders, and had led in the morning.
I’d seen Laura from the front: boy, did she look ill, pain lines in her ‘drawn’ face, and a real fear in her eyes. She almost had to be carried to the front for prayer: and, as I asked her what her name is, and what’s wrong, a genuine fearful near-hysteria began, she was shaking like she had extreme Parkinson’s disease….I just held her hands and prayed for God’s peace and presence to impact her, and, as I began to pray, we (about 10 people around, including Paul & Christine) just watched the transformation. Here’s what Christine wrote to me this week, with her mum and step dad’s permission: (it really is quite amazing, and remember, it’s not me writing this bit, for any who think it’s been ’embellished’!! and Laura asked me not to include the swear words!!!):
- Was such a blessing to be in Gods presence, what a great eve it was. Still buzzing! So the sharing;
- Paul B firstly prayed for my Mum who has physical illness in the form of cancer and secondary issues from chemo and rheumatoid arthritis causing her much pain. More impacting than this was probably her spiritual/emotional self which has always been fragile at best, and psychotic at worst. My step dad and mum have been having marital problems for years, they almost live in separate halves of the house – mum in the bedroom never getting up and dad downstairs with his list of jobs. Needless to say it didn’t work for either of them. My step dad turned more and more to alcohol and has had repeated debt issues so the resentment between them was tangible. As they arrived at my house to come to the meeting they couldn’t be in the same room together!
- The prayers Paul and his pal prayed with mum centred around her physical healing and encouragement that the years that the enemy had taken would be restored. She, with guidance told the devil to do one (go ‘off’ somehwere, preceded by a usual word of four letters, including an ‘f’! – not in so many words 😉 ) and you could literally see her face change to relax and her body stopped physically shaking and was still. She had been sitting beside me for the previous hour with extreme stomach pain and that disappeared. She has since told me she had the best nights sleep in years!
- Paul then prayed for my step dad (while Mum practically skipped round the church) and prayed about there being no condemnation in Christ and he listened to his confessions and encouraged him to repent and let it go and he was really released from that bondage of failure.
- So we watch this space with excitement! Although both have prayed the salvation prayer before I don’t believe they were baptised in the spirit and that night I know they had a wonderful encounter with Jesus. That in itself will encourage them jointly but in the prayer and the stripping away of that root of bitterness that was entwined in them personally and in their marriage I believe that it was dug up and throw well and truly out! Hurrah.
- Christine
What the enemy had spent many years destroying, God put it all back together in next to no time…. he’s so amazing. It was such a privilege to see what he did for Laura and Rod, and many others….
So, the 7pm meeting ‘ended’ at 00.15am! – but when God’s moving, time is immaterial, and for me, after a day like that, the adrenaline is still pumping….but staying at Nick & Sarah’s for a couple of nights was a real blessing, too: their two sons, Milo and Ralph, are adorable…..and another bairn is on the way in the not to distant future!
Monday, and more people – with the opportunity to pray for a lovely lady, Janie, who is suffering from pancreatic cancer. My dear friend Phillip, with whom I was having coffee with (in theory – it turned into lunch!), asked if we could pray for her. It was a wonderful time: no instant ‘it’s gone’ words from Janie, but in my spirit, I’m so sure that God is well in process healing her: sending the Holy Spirit to the ‘new body parts warehouse’ in heaven for a new pancreas for her.
With a visit to Eastbourne after that, it was then back to Addlestone to give the car a bit of breather, and me too, for a 4 am wake-up to get to Heathrow.
Thursday, I had the real joy of having lunch with Ronnie and Janece: the lady with cancer everywhere, with whom I had the privilege of praying 3 weeks ago, at St Hilda’s Church, Seymour Hill (Dunmurry). Even over that first weekend, the transformation in Janece was obvious to everyone: this week, not unrecognisable but huge changes in her face and, it seems, in her body. The major problem she has now is from a spinal surgery to remove lesions and insert titanium rods. I’m praying that God dissolves the steel, totally removes all pain, again sending the Holy Spirit to the warehouse for a new spine….
They then took me round to her mu and dad: mum home that morning from the hospice, neither of them saved, but, because of the transformation they’d seen in Janece, were happy for me to go and pray for them. That, too, was a lovely time, and I’m looking forward to hearing more and more as the story of the miracle unfolds.
Tomorrow, I’m speaking at a small home church, for people who’d never been seen dead in a church, in what would, during Northern Ireland’s ‘troubles’, have been a bit of a troubled area. So looking forward to seeing what God’s going to do there!
And then – (trumpet fanfare!!) – Thursday evening, over to Heathrow, Friday….CALI, COLOMBIA!! Yeah!!!! With a great team….of the 5 going with me, the nearest in age to me is 28 years younger! – but it’s likely that my lovely friend Beny Osorio, from Mexico City, will arrive on the 15th, so the gap will then only be 24 years! It’s going to be a great trip, I know it: the enemy’s already tried to sideline Peter McAvoy, who tore his meniscus (cartilage in his knee – join the club mate!!) during the week. The doctors told him to rest it for some weeks, but they don’t know Pete…. 🙂 Nothing’s gonna stop us now…. thank you for that song, Grace Slick, and Jefferson Starship!!
Doubtless, there’ll be blogs most days, even if it’s 2 in the morning….
Oh what a beautiful morning……and afternoon….. :)
Well, it was such a joy to be back at St Hilda’s Church, a Church of Ireland, just a day and a half after my first visit! The Vicar, David Boyland, is such a lovely man, so honouring, and generous in giving his ‘pulpit’ to little old me…. there’s a very ‘sweet’ spirit in that church, it’s not just a lovely building, the love and the presence of God emanates from it, into what is – and certainly what WAS, during the ‘troubles’ in Northern Ireland, a tough area. It’s an area that is responding to David & Glynis’s hearts of love for the people. If you don’t love people, and are in any way biased, or ‘closed’ in your attitud towards any category of people, you’ll never make an impact. But a pretty full church, with many involved deeply in the community, is demonstration enough that the love of God is there, and flows from there.
David was lovely in the way he introduced not only me, but my ‘style’ of praying for people: I know I’ve said this before, but I can’t, just can’t – and won’t – ever simply
have a line of people, walk along tapping them on the head saying ‘be healed’ – or worse still, hand on the forehead, other hand in the small of the back, then a loud sudden shout and push to get people on the floor…. it seems to me that Jesus ‘connected’ with many that he healed: talked to them, moved by compassion not only to heal them, but to make them feel valued.
So, I sit down, and, if people want prayer, they know, often, they might have to wait a bit, as I love to connect, build a bridge with them: when people come for prayer for healing, it’s obviously not always physical healing, there’s a lot of ’emotional’ stuff, depression, you name it…..and in talking to me, they make themselves open, and more’s the point, vulnerable, to the pray-er, and they deserve time.
So, Friday night’s prayer time was 2¾ hours(!), today’s considerably shorter (not!!) – perhaps a mere 2 hours. There was a lovely testimony from Janece, whom I wrote about Friday: she’s got – and is paring company with – incurable cancer, which began in her breast, but had spread, into her spine, the oncologist reckoned it was in her bones, and in some organs… Friday, she could hardly walk from her seat to the one next to me, her husband had to hugely help her to do that. She’s a lovely looking lady, but her face showed the pain, the ravaging of that foul, despicable disease. She left, on Friday, saying she felt ‘lighter’, was walking better: and, her report this morning, was that in the car on the way home, she was laughing, before realising that she hadn’t done – or been able to do – that for a long time. I’d felt to say to her that she’d wake feeling significantly different yesterday. Ronnie, her husband, looked at her, and said her face had filled out to it’s ‘pre-cancer’ appearance, and said it was like someone had put a bicycle pump in the back of her head, and blown her head up! This morning, she got up early – that doesn’t happen in recent experience: and there are so many changes going on in her that I feel it’ll only be a matter of days before she’s fully restored….
A lady named Barbara,who’d had – to put it mildly – a rough last 40-50 years, very low, with depression…..was another facially and spiritually transformed. Others who couldn’t be there this morning had sent messages to say they’d been healed, or were well on the way to being healed…. and this morning, God touched people in a lovely, gentle way, removing, or diminishing pain – some with arthritis felt an instant change….
I can never say enough what a privilege it is to be given access by people, who don’t know me, or have just got to know me a little, into their lives. I love it, I really do. A good number WILL be healed over the course of the next day or two, of that I’m sure, as well as those who’ve already experienced God’s healing.
Then it was back to the home of the Eric and Elizabeth Lewis: I’ve known them for some years now, and our friendship is getting stronger and deeper, which is a great blessing. Not only that, Elizabeth’s a great cook…. :). Lunch was with their daughters, one of the husbands, and a whole army of grandchildren! Louise, one of their daughters, I had the joy of praying for some time back, as she longed for children. I must have said that it would happen: and even (probably, knowing me!) within a certain time scale. She’s got the daughter we prayed for: but not in the way we naturally expected it! She brought their gorgeous daughter Annie Marie today, who was adopted when very, very young, like 3-4 months if I remember right. That is SO unlikely these days, as most children ‘up’ for adoption are heading towards, if not already in, their teens.
Elizabeth said something to me this afternoon (lunch ended when I had to leave at 6pm!!), that blessed me so much, she has no idea. She said that that she’s never seen so many men laughing so loud in church as my ‘odd’ humour got to them whilst making a very important point or statement…. I really do love to use humour: it’s an ice-breaker, and a great ‘tool’ when story-telling. I sometimes wonder what some people thin, but Elizabeth laid to rest today any thoughts I might have (I haven’t yet!) about being ‘more serious’, but really, that just ain’t me….
Another thing that made this weekend such a blessing: when God ‘wrestled’ the control of my diary away from me when I came here (I’d normally be booked up 2 years ahead), in a way, it my security blanket being taken away from me. I felt ‘assured’ and ‘secure’ that people ‘wanted’ me. The wrestling went on until I finally let go of my diary, not having anything in it at the end of any given year, apart from knowing that somewhere in the coming 12 months, I’d go to Colombia and Mexico a couple of times. Booking so far ahead was like a straight-jacket, though, as people would often ring, or email, inviting me to their church/ministry/country, and I couldn’t go, for at least two years.
This weekend in Dunmurry was ‘booked’ last Monday, and so I want to thank God here, for fighting me for control over my bookings…. this weekend has been SUCH a blessing.
Beneath the streets of Romania’s capital, a living hell…. been there, Farage????
In the aftermath of the Euro Elections, and the celebrations of the strange bunch of ‘don’t really know what our manifesto or policies are, except that we hate Romanians’ known as UKIP, I’ve been travelling to Romania to – hopefully – take love and aid since the beginning of February 1990, the first time was 5 weeks after the Ceausescu’s ‘execution’ (Was it ‘staged’? – who knows: their ‘graves’ in their home village are empty?) – but I fell in love with a country so alien to the United Kingdom, because of the unbelievable poverty there. To an average Western European, it’d be like discovering that Switzerland was, in fact third world, just a short distance away, or people in New York finding that North Carolina was third world….
It was – then – maybe 50 years behind western Europe in development, and the orphanages, well… On one of the early visits to Romania (I’ve been 127 times since February ’90) I’d challenge any macho man- including Farage prounced Garage – who is proud he’d never cried, to have gone to an orphanage in Tirgu Mures, and not wept uncontrollably, wondering what on earth can we do to help these children?
Burned into my mind forever were two particular areas of the orphanage, known, I recall, as ‘The Castle’. One was the ‘room’ where the mentally and physically handicapped young people and children were kept: naked, sitting in their own shit and urine, in excess 0f-20C winter temperatures, hosed down once a week with ice cold water. They ‘lived’ in bare, concrete ‘pens’, not dissimilar to a pig farm.
The other was a room packed with rusting iron cots, just enough room between the cots to pass through, with – mostly – four children and babies to a cot. Again, sitting in shit and urine soaked clothes and mattresses that had soaked it up. One little boy was ‘standing’ up: he drew my eye immediately: no arms, no legs, and just bulbous lumps of flesh where his eyes should have been…. he stank, understandably. Through a translator, I asked how often the kids had nappies changed, and were washed? Never. I asked how often they were picked up and cuddled. The question seemed to shock the lady staff member. ‘Never? Why would we?’ I asked what had happened to him, why he was like he was. He was failed ‘knitting needle’ abortion attempt by his mother, who presumably couldn’t ‘afford’ him, but she failed to kill him, just totally destroyed him for life.
I was utterly wrecked, weeping so hard there was no point in trying to dry my face or wipe my nose, as I picked him up out of the cot and cuddled him. He laughed: it was his first ever hug. If it was possible to cry more than I already was, I did….
Romania, now, has, in parts, a glamorous ‘facade’ of expensive malls – selling Armani, Boss, Cartier, etc., cleaned up buildings in the streets where foreigners would go, 10 years ago, in the hope that by looking cosmetically ‘good’ the EU would look favourably at their application to become a member state. The EU did, as you know. But go back a few streets, behind the facade, and in many ways, nothing’s changed very much from 25 years ago.
To me, Romania is another of my ‘homes’, so when I hear that git Farage, all I want to do is punch his lights out, and take him back 24 years to that orphanage. Or NOW, take him to central Bucuresti (the right way to spell it!), where the governmental corruption is such that in many ways, not a lot has changed.
I have hundreds of lovely Romanian friends: people who’d sacrifice their meal to give it to you. They are lovely people, but many still live so far BELOW the poverty line, it’s almost impossible to survive – unless they can get to the west….
Yes, there are ‘dodgy’ Romanians: but there are dodgy Germans, French, Brits…. the Romanians at least have some justification for their reputation. This article is from Channel 4, just 11 days ago:
- (you might have to copy and paste it into your browser)
It’s horrendous. Gara du Nord – I know it well – right in the city centre, where, as the article says, you can get trains direct to Brussells, ironically. The Romanians in the article live just a few YARDS from Gara du Nord, the entrance to their ‘home’ a hole in the road. There are probably thousands of them in Bucuresti alone, many more in the other big cities. Is it any wonder young, and not-so-young people like these, are desperate to escape? Is it any wonder that they find the transition from what you’ve just seen, to living in ‘civilised’ UKIP-land? I’m probably one of the most ‘un-political’ people you could meet, though history my family would have been blue: but man, do I get angry when I hear/see (it was filmed, too) the interview of Farage a couple of weeks ago, where the interviewer would have won by a knockout early in the piece, if it were a fight? He’s just an ignorant git: his utterly appalling put down of the President of the EU, the Belgian whose name is, I think, van Rompuy, a couple of years ago, shows him in his real light….
Is it any wonder that when finally, they can ‘get out of hell’, these young people who were turfed out of the orphanages, as the EU said they had to close before Romania could join, don’t quite behave like idiot UKIP politicians? They need to be accepted in the same way as Farage has accpeted his alien – his wife: perhaps he’s lucky that she came – I imagine – from West Germany, and not East Germany…. And would I want him living next door to me? I don’t think so…..
I only saw this article online this morning, and it made me weep again. And no, I don’t apologise for using the word shit: excrement or faeces makes it sound so much more refined….