Well, that was quicker than I thought! I contacted my lovely friend, John Gault, who’d invited me to speak at the Holywood CFC Men’s breakfast on ! February, and he told me the story, and I’ve just put the phone down from talking to David, the man who is living in this miracle! What’s more, to fill in any other missing details, we’re meeting for an Ulster Fry breakfast on Wednesday morning… 🙂
David has had this tumour diagnosed for 18-20 months. After the initial diagnosis, it seemed to ‘shrink’ as a result of the treatment – chemo – and medication: and then, rapidly, it increased to 105% of it’s original size…. I imagine that’s pretty worrying. What’s more, it was pressing on two optic nerves, and as a result, David had tunnel vision. He’d lived for the whole time with severe headaches, and couldn’t do anything without starting the day with heavy duty pain-killers.
As we parted on the Saturday, I said to him that I believed it would go, and that he’d know, from God, when he should stop taking the pain medication.
The Sunday morning after the Men’s Breakfast, he got up to go to church, and didn’t have a headache…. first time in 20 months. He’s not taken a single pill since, either.
He went to see the Consultant, whose initial gambit was ‘Well, David, as the tumour has increased in size so drastically, we’ll have to increase your medication, and decide on the next course of action’. David’s response was that he had no headache, and had stopped taking all the medication. The Consultant told him that he was foolish: why had he done it? The response was, ‘I was prayed for and my headaches stopped’. David said the doctor looked at him as though he’d got two heads and was crazy: and instantly booked him in for another scan. That happened on February 13.
The next meeting with the doctor, to discuss the scan, was one of shock for the medic! The tumour has shrunk so much, that the doctor said is will just ‘dissolve’ and disappear…..
How, just how, does God do this stuff??!! Meeting up for brekkie with David will be a little like having a party barbecue with Alejandrina, in Mexico City, two weeks ago six months after she should have been dead…
It just leaves me speechless, humbled, astonished, amazed, that the prayers of Christianity’s Jobsworth, the religious Del Boy, God uses…. At the same time as I rejoice with the everyone who is healed, and want to cry with joy, I also find tears of utter gratitude falling as I hear the stories of what God does in people’s lives….
Thank you, Father. You utterly blow me away.